Chapter Two: An Old Enemy

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"Less than a half of a moon!" Soulkit called, bouncing across the clearing to where Wildkit, Jaykit, and I sat, sharing a small mouse.

Jaykit's eyes flickered to the large black tom. Though he was blind he seemed to see more than all of us. He just knew when cats were hurt and always knew when we were around before announcing ourselves. I could never tell what he was thinking but he always knew what I was thinking. He didn't like Soulkit in particular. "And then everything will be as happy as an escaped mouse!" he growled, his eyes narrowed.

I flicked my tail at Jaykit. "Not everything can be fixed," she pointed out. "I'm becoming a medicine cat apprentice and a blind cat is going to start warrior training." I felt myself shiver, my pelt brushing against Jaykit's comfortingly. I didn't mean any harm by my comment.

"Thanks for mentioning my blindness!" he hissed and stood up, stomping to the nursery where he always seemed to be.

Wildkit stared after, his eyes wide. "Maybe he should be a medicine cat. I know it'd ruin his dream of being a great warrior, but he's blind... How would that possibly work?"

Soulkit looked down at my brother and sat down. "Icekit has a dream too. She wants to be a medicine cat as well." He nodded at me respectfully. "Though I don't personally agree with her decision, I do not argue."

He was often complimenting me and sticking up for me. It felt nice to have a good friend that was my littermate.

The ginger-and-white tom twitched his ear. "Morningpaw and Graypaw are back from their assignment. Looks like they passed," he commented, nodding to the two apprentices-in-training that both carried a rabbit in their jaws.

"Those of you who can catch their own rabbits, gather here beneath the Tallrock!" Russetstar yowled from on top of the Tallrock.

Flowerwhisker led Jaykit out of the nursery, Whitefoot, and Cherryheart following after. Everyone had gathered. Mothflower slipped out of her den.

"Two of our apprentices have finished their warrior training. Morningpaw and Graypaw, step forward!" he yowled.

His kits stepped forward, their eyes shining up at him.

Russetstar jumped down from the Tallrock and faced them. "Morningpaw, Graypaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?"

"I do!" they mewed loudly. Not a single cat in the clearing doubted their skills.

"Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Graypaw, from this moment you will be known as Grayclaw. StarClan honors your strength and bravery, and we welcome you as a full warrior of WindClan." He rested his muzzle on his head and Grayclaw licked his shoulder.

"Morningpaw, from this moment you will be known as Morningtail. StarClan honors your fighting skills and loyalty, and we welcome you as a full warrior of WindClan." Russetstar, again, rested his muzzle on Morningtail's head and she licked his shoulder.

"Grayclaw! Morningtail! Grayclaw! Morningtail!" the Clan yowled in agreement.

The leader flicked his tail for silence and everyone fell dead silent. "As you all know, my daughter, Spiritkit, passed away when Moonfall gave birth to her. I want her and StarClan to know that we still remember her, so I'm giving her her warrior name: Spiritfall, after her mother. StarClan honors your beauty and loyalty." He closed his eyes and everyone was staring at the sky, as if they could see her in the clouds.

I remembered the horrible, bloody story of Spiritfall's birth: Blood was everywhere; Moonfall was slowly dying as the beautiful kit slipped out, but Spiritfall was dead. Her father named her Spiritkit due to her dying and now he was naming her after her mother.

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