Chapter Sixteen: A New Threat

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I sunk my teeth deep into the shoulder of a brown tabby Dark Forest cat, my father raking his claws down his tabby pelt. We pushed the wailing tom down onto the ground and Windflight sunk his teeth into the tom's throat. The wailing instantly stopped.

Spottedheart raced up to us, a nasty scratch going down her pelt. "Help, quickly! The medicine cats need help! They're being attacked!" She pointed her tail towards the medicine den.

We jumped into action, Spottedheart taking the lead as we raced across the clearing to the den and entered. It smelled musty, dust filled my nose. The scent of blood filled my nose. The den probably hadn't been used in a while.

"Spottedheart!" one of the medicine cats gasped, it sort of sounded like Graypool, and we hurried forward, seeing two large Dark Forest cats blocking our way to the medicine cats. They didn't care about The Warrior Code.

I darted forward, grabbing the she-cat on the left and slamming her head into the den wall. She instantly crumpled onto the ground and then I hurried over to the medicine cats while Spottedheart and Windflight took on the other cat.

"Is everyone okay?" I asked urgently, looking at the medicine cats in worry. They seemed okay.

A familiar sob caused me to look down, spotting the pale silver tabby tom with a heavily bleeding stomach. Cinderpool was above him, sobbing softly. Mothflower, Jaypaw, Graypool, Fernsplash, and Stonetail were looking at him sadly.

"We can't save him?" I whispered, seeing Featherwhisker's body convulsing. He was dying. I couldn't stand to see someone I knew die like this. "Spottedheart!" I turned around to see Windflight killing the second tom and Spottedheart was watching with a frown. "Let's go..." I led her out of the den quickly.

We were winning, that much was clear. I could see limp bodies scattering the clearing, a lot of them were The Dark Forest, but some weren't. One in particular caught my eye.

"Flowerwhisker!" I shrieked and raced forward, almost tripping on Dappletail's limp body. My mouth flew open. Our deputy was dead. Dappletail was dead.

I turned back around to my mother numbly and darted over to her, tears in my eyes. She was gasping for breath, a wounding in her throat. "No, no, Flowerwhisker!" I whispered and covered her throat with my paws. I couldn't let this happen.

She looked up at me, her eyes full of tears. "I... am so proud of you W-Wildstorm. Take c-care of her..." Her eyes clouded over and her body stopped shaking. I buried my nose into her fur, feeling Spottedheat at my side.

A loud yowl erupted in the clearing and I lifted my head, spotting Russetstar convulsing on the ground with Tigerstar over him. It reminded me of Featherwhisker. They were both covered in blood but Russetstar was worse off.

Mothflower raced up to him and sniffed him, grabbing Cobwebs which she placed on him as he convulsed.

While Tigerstar was distracted with Russetstar, Larkstar jumped forward, digging her claws into his throat from behind. She whispered something into his ear I couldn't hear and then he went limp against the ground.

"Those of you who want to end up like Tigerstar may stay, the rest of you are free to go," Larkstar announced and The Dark Forest cats quickly fled the clearing. I could see some Clan cats in their ranks, Scratchtail among them.

Yowls of victory came from the Clans cats as the dead Dark Forest cats disappeared into the ground, leaving only real Clan cats. From where I was I could see the limp bodies of Sweetheart, Shadepelt, and Robinwing. Was this really a win after losing all these cats?

Spottedheart brushed her pelt against mine. "Wildstorm, do you want to have kits?" she asked with a sparkle in her eye.

"Yes," I purred in excitement. "Yes, of course!" I pressed my nose to hers, completely forgetting where we were and what had happened, but just for a heartbeat.


"Sparrowpelt!" I called, racing over to the large ThunderClan deputy as he sent out a patrol. "Cinderpool wants us on the lookout for Burdock Root. Apparently it grows by the river near Sunningrocks," I told him and glanced over at the nursery. "Can I leader a patrol there soon to look for her?"

Cinderpool had been struggling with her duties since Featherwhisker had died. I assisted her as much as I could.

The ThunderClan deputy nodded at me. "Of course. Take Redoak and Leopardfoot with you. I think they're mooning over each other. I've been trying to put them on a bunch of patrols together." His eyes sparkled with excitement. "RiverClan border. Tell Soulflame and Jayleaf I said hi."

I nodded in agreement, flicking my tail. "Speaking of, I should go speak with Spottedheart. Make sure she's cozy in the nursery." I hurried away to the nursery in excitement, slipping inside to see my beautiful gray-and-white mate in her nest. She seemed to be daydreaming. "How're you feeling?"

She jumped, giggling a little at herself. She smiled at me. "I'm fine, Wildstorm! You don't have to ask every day! Check on Rosekit and Thistlekit, they'll be apprentices soon." Spottedheart seemed extra excited today.

My eyes flickered over to my half-siblings. Poppydawn threw another moss ball for them and they raced after it. Thistlekit was huge compared to his sister and Rosekit reminded me of myself when I was her age. "I think they're fine," I purred and turned away. "I'm going on a patrol, I'll see you soon!" I quickly touched m noes to hers and then I excited the den and entered the clearing, seeing Redoak and Leopardfoot talking outside the warriors den. "You're with me!" I called to them and padded to the entrance of camp.

"RiverClan border?" Redoak asked mischievously. I grinned as we padded out of camp and towards the border. They knew me all too well.

Every moon, other than the Gathering, I would meet up with Soulflame and Jayleaf to talk to them about Iceheart and WindClan. They were more than willing to see me. It was nice to still have a connection with WindClan. RiverClan hadn't caught us yet.

We padded into Sunningrocks and while they marked the border, I watched Soulflame and Jayleaf pad over to me.

"How's Iceheart and Mothflower?" I asked instantly as they approached, eager to hear about WindClan.

Soulflame flicked his tail in my face, smiling. "She's resting, almost ready to bear my kits is hard, I guess," he joked, but he seemed much softer than when we were kits. I liked him a lot more now.

Jayleaf shrugged, his blind eyes landing on me. But he still made me a little uncomfortable, more than I'd care to admit. "Mothflower is getting older, I hope she can hold on until after Iceheart kits."

"Spottedheart is exhausted too," I purred at Soulflame and nodded at Jayleaf. "We'll see, she's been holding on for a long time. Do you happen to know how Gorseflower is? She was my best friend before I left..." I shuffled my paws awkwardly.

The black tom smiled and nodded. "She's good, Wildstorm. I think she's taken quite an interest in Mousefang, although I wouldn't go near him after what happened with Iceheart."

I nodded a little at him, feeling a tinge guilty. "It's just, well, she was my best friend before I left and she helped me through everything. I couldn't help but think that if things had been different she would be my mate, not Spottedheart." I let out a small sigh and looked over to the two ThunderClan cats. They were very clearly mooning over each other. More kits for ThunderClan! "I should get back."

They both nodded at me and Jayleaf touched his nose to mine, but before he pulled back he whispered, "The Clans are still in grave danger, keep your eyes open, Wildstorm." Then he pulled back, smiled, and padded away with Soulflame at his side.

My eyes widened as I watched them hurry through RiverClan territory. Is The Dark Forest coming back? I looked back towards camp, Spottedheart flashing through my mind. I looked up to the sky, glaring. Send it my way, StarClan. I'll kill anything that threatens my kits.

The End

Thank you for reading, and don't forget all my Warrior stories are also on Fanfiction .net under 'FreakWithNoName', if you'd prefer that, but they will all be moved here eventually.

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