Chapter 15

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"No! Don't touch me! Leave me alone!" She yelled with all the power she had left

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"No! Don't touch me! Leave me alone!" She yelled with all the power she had left. She had no idea where she was and that terrified her.

"Shut up!" One of the unknown men said with so much anger. He backhanded her really hard on her cheek. She fell to the ground, blood escaping from her pale lips.

She kept her gaze to the dirty floor. She could feel their stares roaming over her body and she couldn't do anything about it.

The men seemed to be waiting for something or someone. Juno secretly glanced at them. Fat and filthy. Those were the two words that crossed her thoughts immediately. They were also bikers. Leathers jackets with patches on them. Dirty, ripped jeans and old leather boots.

There were three men with her in the same room. All three were very old. Like end fifties. Grey hair, grey beards and grey moustaches.

Juno couldn't escape even if she wanted to. Those men had hurt her a leg. It bended unnaturally and she was in a lot of pain when she tried to move it.

They kidnapped her. She was walking home because she had to do grocery shopping when a black van stopped right beside her. A few men stepped out and grabbed her. Ofcourse she struggled. She struggled a lot. Then man holding a hand on her mouth has now teeth imprinted in his hand because she bit in it. But that got her in more trouble.

Then more began to drag her to the van and they succeeded because they were able to knock her unconscious.

The next thing she knew was being surrounded by those men. She started to panick. One of them noticed that she was awake so he walked over to her and grabbed a chunk of her fiery red hair and tugged it down really hard so she was looking up. She let out a small pained whimper.

"Look who's awake." He said with an evil grin on his face. That made her even more scared. The other men began to laugh at her scared face.
"Look how pathetic this one is." Another one said. The one holding her hair slowly but creepily trailed his finger down Juno's cheek and then gripped her chin. He looked her right in the eyes and all she saw was creepy eyes filled with mischief.

The door opened and a pair of footsteps come down the old creaking stairs. Another pair of old leather boots. The only difference from the others were that there was 'president' on the back of his jacket.

They were whispering about a compound. All she heard from the name was 'angels'.

They suddenly turned to face her and they had an evil grin on their faces.
"Let's beat the shit out of this one, brothers." The president said as the group walked out to her.

"No! No! Get away from me! N-!"


Juno woke up gasping for air, tear furiously running down her face. She looked around the room and she soon realised that she wasn't at that place anymore. She was safe. They couldn't get her here. She then checked her body for bruises. She felt their hands on her when she dreamt. No sign of bruises. Only scars.

She gently wiped her tears away and got out of her bed and stepped into the hallway and made her way to Riker's room. She knocked twice and opened the door when she heard a 'come in'.

She slowly and silently stepped inside his room and closed the door soflty.
She looked at his tired form. Lying sprawled across the whole bed with one arm falling beside it.

Riker took one look at her scared figures and sat up straight really fast with his back against the headboard. He gestures her to sit beside him on the bed and so she did. Riker wrapped his arms around her when she was near him. Juno grabbed the back of his tank top he was sleeping in in her fists and hugged him.

"What is wrong, little dove?" He asked after a few minutes. He enjoyed being near her but she looked terrified when she entered his room. She was lucky that he couldn't sleep because she knocked really quiet on his door.

"Nightmare." She whispered into his shoulder. She knew she sounded childish but she didn't care. She wanted to be near him.

"About that place?" She nodded and held him a little bit tighter. Riker shifted the both of them so they were both on his bed

"You're not there anymore, love. You're here with me, you know that right?" Juno nodded again. Riker slowly brushed his thumb over her cheek. She didn't get the feeling from her dream, she received a pleasant feeling from his touch and it made her blush.

"Get some sleep, love." He whispered. Her eyes slowly began to shut close. She fell in a dreamless sleep in Rikers arms.

Hello everybody! I know, I haven't been updating lately but i'm really busy because of school and I really get headaches from it lately

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Hello everybody! I know, I haven't been updating lately but i'm really busy because of school and I really get headaches from it lately.

But now I thank you for reading this chapter! I really hope you like it! Almost 10k views! That is insane!

Thank you so much for that!

Tell me what you though of this chapter so I know what my readers like and don't like about my writing style!

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