Chapter 21

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Riker stayed by her side. Even though he was exhausted, he needed her presence in the same room as him. He felt ar peace with her. He fell asleep in a chair besides her bed. His hand interlaced with hers. His head on the side of the hospital bed, besides her arm and he was snoring softly, not too loud. Which Juno though was pretty cute.

A few bikers had visited her, wishing her to get better well and telling her about how lost Riker was without her. Saying that they need new furniture in the compound because he broke a lot of it.

Juno was watching TV when Eirine came in. Eirine looked tired as well. Dark circles were noticeable. Her uniform looked uncomfortable as well. But she did look great in it.

"How are you feeling miss Burktheart?" She kindly asked her.
"A little bit better than before." Eirene nodded her head before looking at a sleeping Riker, smiling softly at the scene in front of her before turning back to Juno.

"I have some good  and bad news for you miss Burktheart. Which do you want to hear first?"
"The good news please." She said softly.
"Well, the leader of the Dead Bikers is going to be locked up for kidnapping, stealing and the illigal possession of weapons. The Hells Angels will receive the money back the the dead bikers owed them. We found evidence that they never played it back. But," she said taking a deep breath before speaking again," not all of the dead bikers were caught. We did not find two of them. They go by the names, Scorpion and Sledgehammer. We are still searching for their real names but we haven't find anything yet. We will contact you if we do."

"Atleast the rest of them are going to be locked up." She said relieved.

"I'll contact you if we made any progress in finding those two. I need to go back to the office and do some paperwork. It was nice meeting you miss Burktheart." 

"Thank you so much for helping me, and it was nice to meet you to." Eirene bit farewell and left, closing the door softly behind her but the sound didn't go unnoticed by the sleeping Riker who stirred at the sound.
He rubber his eyes with his thumb and idex finger and then looked at Juno.

The look he had on his face made her melt inside. Just pure adoration. He smiled at her and then lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles.
"How are you feeling?" He asked her sleepily. That made her smile even more.
"Great." He said smiling.


The Hells Angels finally had that party, few months after Juno got released from the hospital.
The room was decorated, there was a BBQ outside and a lot of food and alcohol.
There were also a lot of people present at the party, Juno didn't even know most of them but that didn't really matter at the moment. She finally felt like she had a home, at the Hells Angel's compound and with Riker. Sure, she would like to have a house for the both of them, but she is happy where she is right now.

The relationship between Riker and Juno is definently going well. They sleep in the same bed, share kisses when they wake up or when they run into each other while Riker is working. They went on dates, they go for rides on Rikers motorcycle. Their lives couldn't be better at the moment.

The party was going great to be honest, everyone was having fun while getting drunk. They were also eating their stomaches full.

Juno sat at the bar, Riker was talking to some other members of the MC when her phone rang. The name that popped up was unexpected. She hasn't seen that name in years. Riker found her old phone when she got settled in her new room, which she was sharing with riker. So she still has all her old phone number saved in her new phone.She immediatly picked up and she went outside where it was silent. There was a lot of loud music in compound itself and outside, so she had to find quiet place. Which she found eventually

"Hello?" She asked. It was silent on the other side of the phone for a while but then a female voice answered and Juno immediately recognized that voice.
"Juno?" The voice hesitantly said. Riker stepped outside noticing that his little dove wasn't inside, so he went outside to look for her. His arms circled around her waist when he found her, not noticing she was on the phone.
"Oh my God, Rhea? Is that you?" Happiness filled her voice immediately hearing her friends voice.
"Where have you been, Juno? I've been worried sick about you, you stopped writing like you just vanished from earth." Juno let out a chuckle because she kind of did vanish for a while.
"You don't even know half of it Rhea. We have a lot to catch up on."
"Great, because I just finished my last tour and I will be  coming home very soon."
"Really? You're coming home?" Riker looked at Juno and he looked confused. But she is happy at the moment.

"My friend is coming home." She whispered to him.

He smiled at her and softly kissed her lips.

Hello, I'm still alive

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Hello, I'm still alive. It has been a few months and I deeply apologize for that.

I intend to finish this book with this last chapter BUT I'm going to rewrite it.

The book didn't come out as great as I though it would be. And it is also really short. So i also intend to make them longer.

It is going to take a while especially since I almost have my exams.

But I Thank you for reading, voting and leving the comments.

I never thought I would almost get 100 I viewers, so thank you all!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2019 ⏰

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