7. The Other Person

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Other persons POV

Dean is crazy which ever hoe that has him considering other options will have to try a different technique because after today he won't want nobody but only my body , he'll want more he'll even beg for it . I know Dean he never gets tired of me.

I'm already ready wearing my black tight fitting , breast revealing dress that is no where near my knees, I  know which buttons to press by now you might as well call me a pro. For shoes it's white stiletto heels. God I look good ,too good in fact,  my hair is nicely done in a Kim Kardashian type of bun .I bought a nice fancy bottle of wine and I have already taken out two wine glasses.  Tonight is going to be perfect!

I can hear his car pulling up and automatically feel butterflies in my stomach. There's a ring at the doorbell ,I get up to go and unlock  the door. As I open holy crap! He looks a lot sexier than he did before,  he is wearing navy chinos and a tucked in navy shirt brocken by a brown belt and for the shoes some nice white kicks that surprisingly compliment his whole look, I can tell he's from work.

I smile at him but he can read what type of smile it is and what it wants,he clears his throat then asks ,"can I come in?". I then say," follow me to the kitchen. When we get to the kitchen I pour us both a bottle of Cape Canika red wine and hand him one glass.

After taking one sip he drops the glass then examines me carefully and by the fiery look in his eyes I can tell he likes what he sees . I come closer to him to the point where I can feel his manhood against my core , I tug on to his belt then reach for a kiss,  he doesn't hesitate ,instead he cups the sides of my face and our lips intertwine, I'm letting him lead, at first our kissing is at a slow pace he squeezes my neck as if to strangle me but I like it .

He then whispers " no head tonight baby, tonight is all about pleasing you , allow me to make you feel me" . Ooouuuu he turns my whole body around so that now my ass is against his manhood thereafter he let's down my dress straps , I am not wearing a bra . He feeds on my neck giving me all the possible pleasure I know I'll wake up with a neck flooded of hickies but I don't mind.

He decides to slip my dress off all the way to my stomach then lifts me onto the kitchen counter and then tugs onto my petite waist with  both hands and begins sucking on my left nipple very skillfully I moan trying to catch my breath ,I have reached another side of horniness even before sex believe me that's how good he is

" Dean I can't take anymore of the teasing,  have me now! Right here right now my body is slowly giving in please Dean "  I beg for him to comply instead he stops sucking on my nipple his hands grip my thighs and separate them he kisses the path leading to my core Oh God no! I can't no more! His index finger circles around my core . Finally he inserts two fingers in and out slowly at first and I can't help but moan and breath heavily. He says " you're so wet already come on we're just getting started " my head is all the way to the back and my hands are gripping onto the edge of the kitchen counter.  "Hurry up Dean! " his fingers are now entering and exiting at a very fast pace.  He takes them out and tastes them ,the pleasure he gets from that is honestly unbelievable" you taste great baby "

He lifts me off from the kitchen counter and carries me to my bedroom upstairs.  I unbutton his shirt then viciously unbuckle his belt he takes off his pants by himself . I'm not wearing any underwear so he slides the dress off of me leaving me completely naked and exposed he has on white Tommy Hilfiger boxers only . He pushes me onto the bed and starts taking me apart showing no mercy he slides off his boxers then inserts himself in me pacing very fast he grips on both my breasts which causes me to scream out of pleasure of course . Suddenly he pushes off of me shit! I was about to reach climax.

"Dean where are you going? " he's getting dressed what the fuck?." I have to go I can't be doing shit like this with you I'm in love with someone else you got what you wanted so backoff! " . I follow him downstairs in my gown , what sick game is he playing you he can't start something and leave me hanging .

"Dean don't do this! Please what does she have that I don't, what does she give you that I don't?   Don't leave me Dean I promise I'll work on being what you're looking for". He turns around and says "I don't love you , fucking around with you was nice but that's all there is and ever was  I gave you  what you want so fuckoff! " he slams the door , that really hit home shit!  Why is Dean so moody?  The fuck is up with him?

Authors note: **The other person will be making a lot of appearances , keep reading . Be sure to comment on what you think of this book so far ,bear in mind that this is my first book be lenient . Love yalls**you can also comment on who you think "The other person is"

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