11.Show face

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Dean's POV
I look good if I do say so myself and right now I know any woman standing beside me would feel insecure, I get that no I sincerely do . Ever since we walked in glares have been shot directly at us others with raging envy. Lora looks gorgeous as always with a black number which celebrates all aspects of her perfect body. I have a choice of fucking her but I won't and no not because of Monace,  I just won't.

I leave her side to go and mingle with my colleagues . I make sure to push smalltalk with the 'bigshots' and be sure to make an impression while at it. I make my way to Jaùnn Deablason an old business friend. "Jaùn, it's been a minute hasn't it? ". He signals for handshake but I don't return the gesture but continue on," you know no loyalty you dumbfuck, the word is foreign to you isn't it?" I say this with my most calmest yet dangerous tones. He gives a huff and says,"it's always ever been about the buck, Ventricular. Never ever personal. " . With that he gives me a pat on the back which I shake off within a second. The nerve !

I make my way back to Lora who seems to have been doing just fine without me ," Dean, why are you so tense? " I look at her and signal with my eyes to where Jaùnn is standing. She rolls her eyes and pulls me in for a dance while dancing she whispers into my ears," You've come a long way Dean you ought to be proud of yourself, and thank you for choosing me as your date,I'll make it worth your while..." with that she gives my dick a small squeeze. We continue dancing.

The night draws to an end ,toasts were made ,kisses were exchanged but most of all deals were signed meaning money ,money, money,money and more money! 

***In the car

Both Dean and Lora sing along to Don't lie by Russ.

"Lora, you're staring. " she smiles then clears her throat. "I'm just shocked you listen to Russ,  it's..." . I just smile and continue steering. " Dean would you mind passing by Chrissie's Bevs, I need a milkshake. " I  don't think Lora understands the fact that we're not dating ,I needed a date although I know I could've picked anyone. In my defense she was the easiest pick.  Not to mention the fact that she enjoyed herself. Just to try to be polite I nod my head.

***Chrissie's Bevs

We both get out of the car and enter the place, Chrissie immediately comes to take our order, in this place everybody knows that I'm only ever served by Chrissie. "What will you and future Mrs Ventricular be having ?" I give her a could you stop it look ,Lora just smiles. "I'll have the Deathbychocolate bev. And she'll have the strawberrymarcuii " . She leaves .

"Ummm, Dean I would love to not talk about work but this is really bothering ,Jaùnn could make us lose it all . Is there anything you've thought of ?" Does she really have to bring this up now,I'm in lalaland fantasising about my Monace ,she has me wishing for all lustful deeds. I hear 'click ,click'  I snap out of my daze, "it's not that I'm not shaken by this ,believe me I am it's just I'm still working on it but I'll give everybody a heads up once I've thought of a solution and the HR groups assisting me ." Our beverages are served I only have have of mine then request for the bill.

"Mon... sorry Lora I have an urgent matter that I need to undress, I mean adress, here's money for an uber though ,bye and see you at the office. "  I don't even remember how I got into my car ,it's almost as though I flew, I'm on my way to Proper Pizza Place.  I get there and place an order for a large meaty and pepper pizza , I already have champagne and icecream back at my storage fridge where Monace is.

I swift and swoosh through the road and finally I'm here where my heart belongs.

Monace's POV

I hear a bunch of keys jingling by the door handle ,exactly how many rooms are in this building? And my kidnapper enters ,with him a two champagne glasses, champagne, and a pizza box. My eyes follow him till he puts everything on the floor. He looks in my direction and I stare back, "I hope you like meaty pizza because I'm a fan. " .  I walk towards him and take a seat on the floor. Then say," I'm more of a three cheese and peperoni type of chick actually but this will do I guess." And with that I munch on my first slice.

He keeps staring at me and as creepy as it sounds I'm in love with the way he views me as if I'm some goddess, it's the greatest feeling. He opens his mouth to say, " I was at a gala event to day, well my companies event..." I choke and pats my back hard to help me .

When it feels like air is returning to my body I respond ,"I'm sorry but I find it difficult to believe a kid- kidnapper would own anything,it's just wow okay ... I'm finding it really hard to process"  He laughs ,he actually has quite a cute laugh and with that he answers ," I'm not a kidnapper ." I cannot believe this!

" Well then if you're not a kidnapper, what do you call this ? You're slowly beginning to sound like an actual lunatic. I mean who follows females around and drugs them then takes advantage of them. To top it off wines and dines with the victims ,bringing them food galore! Are you sick ? If you cannot classify this as kidnapping then you truly are in need of medical help. I'm not a kidnapper ,you need help. Pour me a glass of champagne I'm in need, although I really feel as if gin is necessary here I guess I'll have to improvise."

He's smirking but still pours champagne for the both of us , I need to wait for my chance he forgot to lock the door. I need to go home. "I'm going away for the weekend. "
"Okay" , I reply . " so you won't miss me?"
I just shrug. He pours another round of bubbly for the both of us . I gulp it down then break my glasses and stab him on the leg. While hearing him scream in Agony I jolt for the door, I don't know where the fuck I'm headed to but it has to be out of here.

As I make it out of the room into a foreign hallway which leads me to a staircase , I run down the never ending staircase and trip on my own two feet. I've always been a klutz actually but I don't let the tiny hiccup separate me from my freedom any longer so I get up and continue running right now I don't care whether or not that man follows me all I want is to be out of here.

When I get to the bottom I'm out of my breath it's a metal door that looks indestructible I bang and scream for help ,I know this man said we're in the middle of nowhere but there's a little hope in me that maybe just maybe he was lying and that someone will actually hear me.

Dean's POV

I'm in undeniable pain but that won't hinder me from keeping what's rightfully mine, I'm holding the pisscasopablo and syringe in my hand. It's always in my pocket ,I really don't want to use it but I have to shut her up, I have to get her back .

I finally reach her and start walking closer,  the look in her eyes.  She looks so terrified of me she's shaking and in tears . All I can hear is ," No!  Please don't hurt me . No !p-p-please that thing has side effects.  " some sniffles too then more of ," I'm sorry ,I just want to go home, please.  I won't say anything.  Please oh God I'm going to die ."

I look at her and say," but babe this is your home now, it's our home ." And with that I inject Monance with the dug and she falls right into my arms , I pick her up and carry her upstairs.

I stock up her room with already made food ,water bottles, and juice . And use a marker to leave a message on the wall then I leave and lock the room.

Thank you so much for the support guys keep reading and don't hesitate to share how you think the story will end?  🍃

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