Dear Diary

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For a moment Elliot was silent. I stared at him expectantly, wondering if he was waiting for me to ask some insightful question and hed say a few words then leave as if he'd explained everything.
"Obviously you see us." He said after a long pause. "Us being Mortents."
This set questions blurting from my mind. "Whats a mortent? Why do you look so normal? Do you kill people? Why did you kill Carley? Is anyone else a thingy you said? Are you evil? Is this one of those situations where you tell me stuff so that when you kill me I wont die an unknowledgable duckling?"
Elliot took that time to sit down and he raised an eyebrow.
"Icia" really? what kind of nickname is Icia? "One thing at a time."
I held back a sigh of exasperation as i began to mentally run through the list of questions. What was the most important thing I needed to know?
"Am I gonna die after you tell me this?" My voice was hardly above a whisper as I began contemplating my death. Would it hurt? How would he do it? I hoped he would get it over quickly, like maybe just snap my neck or something like they do in the movies. I looked up at Elliot, studying his blue eyes.
Then he softly chuckled. "I won't kill you Felicia. Your to valuable."
Hmmmmm......Me valuable? I doubt it. Okay okay, come back to that later. Situation at hand comes first.
"Whats a mortent?"
Immediantly he was poker face, closing his expression to one of indifference. During the short silence that followed, it became obvious he was choosing his next words very very carefully.
"We are....old creatures.....created of the result of terrible magic and mans greed. Basically, if we come across someone illminded we feed off the negative energy, eventually killing the target." Murderers. They killed people to....feed...they seemed like monsters.
The first question that came to mind I blurted....and flinched the moment her name was screeched.
"Did you kill Carley?!"
His brow furrowed briefly, then he went back to being impassive.
"Carley? Im sorry Felicia. I dont know her." I knew my expresion fell from the way the corner of his lips dipped down. But before he could ask, another question was tumbling from my mouth.
"Okay...why dont you look like all the others? All....creepy?"
He grinned. "C'mon lovely you cant be this oblivious." I tried not to frown at his hurtful words and instead I stayed silent. He made a sound of surprise and sighed.
"We take our....original form when we feed. The negativity brings out our true form. Truly anyone could be a mortent."
My eyes widened at this shocking information. Anyone could be a mortent.
"Felicia....your handling this surprisinly well but I thi-"
"Next question!" I blurted causing him to frown but to(thankfully) fall silent.
"Is anyone a....a mortent at the school?"
"Yes." He paused. "Mostly the males. Female mortents are rare....most females who see mortents are called Malachai. Basically they kill us. Just as you will." I would kill them?!
"Thats why our leader wants you. Malachai are bad. Their leader wants to get rid of Mortents to let the negative people rule the world. Once my race goes extinct he will be able to create an army and conquer the human race."
This bombshell had me reeling. No. floping. way! Why me? This all sounded like a big jumbled ridiculous lie! There was no way this was true. Conquer the human race?! Oh, totally! This isnt freaking Mars!
'Oh-oh-okay." I stuttered uncontrollably. "S-so that tells me your not evil. But....why kill people? What good comes from it?" I couldnt help but wonder if these things were just crazy and thought  they were good.
Elliot sighed. "Your thinking to much. Remember what I told you before." Was that a riddle? A test? Remember what I told you before. What kind of answer was that?!
I silently relayed our conversation. Then the answer seemed obvious.
"You kill the bad the Mala-whachamacallems cant use them for world domination....right?" Grinning he touched the tip of his nose and nodded, making a sound that sounded like it belonged on a show like the price is right.
"Look at that weve got our winner folks. And for your big prize you get a kiss." He waggled his eyebrows and I rolled my eyes.
"Ill take a gun to the head instead. Thanks." I mumbled sarcastically. I realized we were standing close together, in a garage and he could probably do anything he wanted. But I also realized that if he wanted to kill me he could have multiple times before.
There was one last question I had.
"Why havent I been able to see you all my life? And how did you know I could see you?" Okay...maybe two questions.
He shrugged. "Your dad died. He could see us. He declined the Malachai and just lived his life. When he died his ability to see was given to you." A look flitted across his face, one of confusion.
"You asked if I killed your friend. Carley. did she die." I tensed. Could I tell him how Carley died? What would he do?
"She....she died under mysterious circumstances. Just collasped....bleeding from her mouth." Elliot sucked in his breathe sharply and scowled.
"What! What is it?"
"Felicia...." he paused in discomfort. "I think.....Carley was killed by the Malachai...."

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