Stranger Danger

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"They belong together can't you see??" I sigh longingly at the sight."June just because they have the hots for each other doesn't mean their ment to be... Besides she the average bookworm, while he's the soccer captain. They may go out, but he'll leave her for someone better. it'll never last relationships never do..." Sapphire spoke with a distant look. Ever since her parents divorce she's never been the same. I mean sure she looks and talks the same, but every time she laughs it's hollow and when she smiles it never reaches her eyes. She looks broken, betrayed. She's not the same girl who would always talk about how she loved mysteries, art, dance and how she'd give anything to find love...The kind that was true, pure and all consuming. I smile at the memory. My smile soon turns into a frown when i realise there's nothing left of that girl, but sadness and loneliness. To the point that it just breaks my heart. "Of course it'll last love isn't something that can be broken or forgotten, it's forever. They'll fight for it. None will give it up especially since it comes to you when you least expect it. " I smiled. I knew it was true. "Yes. And leave when you least expect it." I frowned. "That's not true." Sapphire sighs. "It's the truth and it's about time you know it. Love doesn't exists it's just an emotion that movie directors and authors made up to increase movie ratings and book sales. It means nothing so I suggest you get your head out of the clouds and back into reality the easy way, because I've learned the hard way and let me tell you I've never felt more broken knowing that everyone that is searching, looking, trying to find love will die before they can grasp it. Wanna know why??" Her voice raised due to the frustration she feels, her eyes red and teary. Fist clenched and flushed cheeks, I couldn't find it in myself to trust my voice I gave a stiff nod. she lowers her voice her eyes still red becoming once again distant. "Because love doesn't exists only pain." The tears swelling up in her eyes slowly fall one by one. Like crystals decorating her face, she's too young to feel such grief. I know she doesn't want what she said to be true. That love does exists, but she'll never admit it. She spun around and headed towards first period leaving me with her words. Her sadness. Her heartbreak. Her pain. I felt it one deserves that.


Ever since I was little ive been able to sense people's emotion I could even go as far to feel and see them. It goes the same for animals. I've tried talking to my parents about it, but they always said it was my imagination. I wished it was true, but since I could feel my mothers guilt I knew they were lying, so I stopped talking about it. I pretended that they were right that it was only my imagination. Since then my abilities have enhanced not only could I sense, feel and see other peoples emotions I can also try to alter it for when I when my ex-neighbours had big fights and it'd get really physical and he'd hit her I could always take her pain away. The side effects of that is the pain is then inflicted to me. Or the time when sapphires parents got a divorce and she was so depressed she nearly took her own life. Luckily I was there and slowly each time I saw her I'd take bit by bit. I can control people's actions just by thinking what they will do in my head and whoever I was thinking would do it, no matter how far away or if I see them through the television on the phone they'll do as I command it just depends on how intense their emotions are. Like this one time I was really angry at this girl, because she stole my drawing I spent a week trying to perfect and she just ripped it up. while laughing in my face and I wished for the stupid laughter of hers to end. To my surprise It did. I looked at her and she had this frightened expression I asked her why was she scared and she told me she couldn't laugh I said that was stupid everyone could, but all she did was start crying and I wished she would stop. I was surprised when she did I looked at her, she had the same expression. So I wished she'd jump up and down and touch her toes and she did. once done she ran as away as fast as her 12 year old legs could take her. She's never bothered me since. I know it's hard to believe I found it hard too. I thought I was a freak, but now I'd like too think of myself as a goddess like Eros. Except he is the god of love, while I'm a 17 year old human girl with access to people mind and emotions so you can say were nothing alike, but I'd like to think we are.

As after sapphire said what she said I left school I don't care if it just started I was really annoyed and angry and frustrated...its like every negative emotion is attacking me. A wave of pain struck my head and my vision becoming blury. I'm 30 mins away from home if I cut through the forest I'll be there in 15. Struggling to walk straight I wobbly made my way through the forest. After about 5 mins of walking the pain becomes too much to bare and I slump against a tree trying to collect myself. That's when I realised I wasn't watching where I was walking so I have no idea which part of the woods I was in. This making me get more frustrated...then pain struck my chest, the pain began to double. I screamed out in pain cradling my head in my hands. "I'm going to die" I cried through the pain. I was too focused on the pain I didn't notice the dark figure a few feet away. I was about to say something when the stranger beat me too it. "What are you doing on my land??" Can he not see I'm in pain!! wait his land?? "I-I- wa-as. tryin--g..." I couldn't finish my sentence when the pain intensified and my screams grew more faint, more distant, when the darkness took over dulling the pain. I smiled before I passed out, welcoming the emptiness of the unconscious mind.

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