Just give me a chance

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I woke up to Elena curled up at my side, her hair was in her face moving with each breath she took. She looked beautiful, looking at her made me wish I didn't play her in the first place. Then maybe she would of said yes to being my girlfriend, insted of turning me down flat.

 I would make her see that I can change for her, I'll prove it to her somehow. Maybe I can plan a date or some romantic shit like that, like they do in the movies. Maybe my mom can help, she's the romantic type I mean she plans all the really good anniversarries dates her and my dad go on. She probably have some ideas, although that means I'll have to tell her how I met Elena.

Getting up I got dressed and went downstairs where my mother was, I was praying she doesn't hate me after this. "Mom, uh can we talk?" She looked up from her book and nodded gesturing to the seat next to her. "I need help. I asked Elena to be my girlfriend but she said no cause I kind of promised her stuff then slept with her, then the next day I acted like she didn't exist. She got me back and since then I've been trying to get her to be my girl, but she thinks I'm still the boy who played her. So I was hoping you could help me plan a date to prove to her that I can change for her, and be the guy she wants me to be." I let out a long breath and looked anywhere but my mom.

 "I'm disappointed in you for doing that to her, proud of her for getting you back, and willing to help you prove your self." I smiled at her and listened as she told me what I'm gonna do, I occasionally would suggest something. Within thirty minutes we had a whole day planned and she was shooing me out the door, before she got me out the house I left a quick note for Elena and stuck it to her forehead.

I ran to a Halloween shop to buy flowers that are her favorite colors, black and purple then went to an arcade and got thirty dollars in tokens. Using an old white box that my mom gave I put all the tokens in it, along with something special. Driving around I mapped out everywhere we would go, making sure everywhere was open and would work out. When I was done I called my mom to wake her up, she said she left a note saying she went home to face the music. I thanked her and drove to her house, surprised to see Mike's dad's truck in her drive way. I wondered if she moved on to him, or did he just show up for no reason. When I got out of the car I heard her and Michael saying bye, I grabbed her roses and the box of tokens and waited for Mike to leave.


 I walked to the end of my drive way meeting Luke half way, he smiled shyly at me as I eyed the stuff in his hands. "What's all this Luke?" His face heated up and as he tripped over his words. "Uh well um I planned a date to um prove, to prove that for you I could change, that I want to change. And if you would give me a chance I wanna take you on a really fun really romantic date." He rushed out in one breath as I stood there searching his eyes for any lies. Hoping this time that I read him right I nodded my head and smiled at him, praying that I wont get heart again. From the racing in my heart I knew that if I got hurt it would be the end of my heart.

 He followed me inside and up to my room, when we walked in he stopped dead in his tracks and looked around. "Me likey, when did you do this Elena?" I smiled and sat on my bed while he looked through my closet of clothes. "Me and Mike did it today, maybe if this date goes good then you can help me add to it." He nodded and laid an outfit on my bed before walking down stairs with the box and boquet in his hands. Chuckling to myself I walked to the shower and got in, washing up and rinsing off I got out and wrapped my self in a towel.

 I dried off and got dressed, slipping on the black skinny jeans and black and white lace tank top with my all black knee high converse. Drying my hair I braided it in a water fall braid, curling it after wards. Using a light brown color for my eye shadow and dark eyeliner, using cotton candy flavored lip gloss from smuckers. My favorite, grabbing a black and white plaid shirt I walked down stairs to Luke. "Ok where to first Luke?" He came out of my kitchen and eyed me up and down, smiling at me like I was Cinderella walking into the ballroom. "Um right first, we going to the park, this is the one of the fun parts. We gonna act like kids again." I smiled and followed him to the car, locking my door behind me.

 He drove to the park we had our first date at, getting out of the car he led me to the swings smiling at me as he sat down and held his hands out to me. I walked to him and sat on his lap he chuckled and lifted me up, turning me around he pulled me on his lap facing him. I straddled his lap and wrapped my arms around his neck, he held onto the chains and started swing his legs. I watched his eyes getting lost in the sparkling blue color, counting how many silver flecks I saw in his eyes. He watched me looking just as lost in my eyes as I was in his, leaning in close to him I let my lips brush against his. "Elena as much as I want to kiss you, I don't want to do anything till the end of the date when you make your choice." I smiled at him and pulled back noddinng my head.

We stayed at the park for about an hour just playing around, rolling down the hills, swinging on the swings, and playing on the jungle jim. Luke got a text and told me it was time to leave, walking to the car he pulled out the little white box. He pulled something out of it and put it in his pocket, handing me the box after wards. Looking inside it I saw at least 100 tokens, maybe more, they were all to the arcade down the street. "Really Luke, the arcade?" He nodded and smiled at me, looking very pleased with his idea.

 Turns out he was right to be pleased, I was having so much fun here. At first we played ski ball, air hockey, and racing, then I found a terminator game. Now I'm shouting at him to get my six and shot at the targets without missing, I put in four more coins and reloaded shooting at the targets he missed. When the victory sign flashed across the screen meaning we beat the game I jumped into his arms cheering. He lifted me up and spun me around, I fist pumped the air as he spun me some more. As he set me down we gathered up the rest of the tokens and our tickets, and went looking for our next game. Counting the tokens I realized that we had just enough to use the photobooth. "Come on Luke lets go take pictures." I pulled him to the booth and paid while sitting on his lap. We made funny faces, kissy faces, and even shared a quick kiss on the cheek. When we were done I split the six pictures giving him three and keeping the other three, he smiled and took my hand leading me to the prizes. Handing our tickets over to the guy he picked a bunch of candies, along with a purple teddy bear for me.

When we left the arcade he drove to the ice cream parlor across the street, getting a giant sundae to share. We sat at a back table and ate, just as I thought Luke might actually change Christine walked over to him. "Hi Luke."

 (her clothes is on the side)









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