Wanna have some fun?

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For a week I've been playing games with Luke, never once did he win. It left him feeling frustrated to no end, never getting release. He pouted all friday at school, claiming that his hand won't work over the weekend. I just patted his chest and told him to pick his next screw before walking away. I swear it looked like my words hurt him. I shrugged it off knowing it was fake, since he was already flirting with a girl from my history class. Like I said before he ain't nothing but a bad boy with charm.

It was friday night and my parents left for the weekend and wouldn't be home till monday afternoon, I was laying on my bed when there was banging on my front door. Groaning I rushed down stairs, pulling open the door I regretted not putting on better clothes before answering the door. "Luke?" He looked me over smirking at my Nirvana shirt that hung low to my thighs, or maybe at the fact that I wasn't wearing pants. Pulling up my shirt to show my cheer shorts that I was wearing. "I got shorts on!" He smirked even more as he walked into my house. "Not for long." He pressed me against the door walking me backwards till it was closed, pinning me against it. He leaned in close making my breath hitch as his lips brushed against mine. "Get dressed, I'm taking you out." He pulled away and walked to my kitchen like it was his house, following him I glared as he looked through my fridge.

"What makes you think that I wanna go anywhere with you?" He turned and rolled his eyes, he had a mouth full of the cookies I baked earlier. Walking to me he pulled me towards my room ignoring my objections, he let go of my hand as soon as we were in my room. He walked to my closet and started pulling out clothes, throwing them at me not caring if I caught them or not. "Whatever I tossed you put it on and be down in twenty minutes. If your not, I'm coming up to get you ready." I screamed as he left the room. I don't know who he thinks he is. Coming into my house, uninvited, and bossing me around. Well he has another thing coming.

I sat on my bed and pushed the clothes to the floor. I knew he said if I wasn't ready he would come back and get me ready, but I doubt he had the guts. I refuse to let him think he can boss me around. "Elena you better be getting ready!" Luke yelled from the bottom of the stairs making me scoff in response. I crossed my arms over my chest and tried to think of something else to do. I was just about to get up and turn on my tv when Luke walked back into my room. "I figured you wouldn't be getting ready." He shook his head before walking over to me and throwing me over his shoulder.

"What the fuck, Luke? Put me down!" I hit his back and kicked my legs. "I told you to get ready or I would do it for you. So now I'm gonna put you in the shower." I screamed in frustration. "Ok fine I'll get ready, just put me down." He set me down on my feet and picked up the clothes he had thrown at me. He held them out and pointed to the shower. "I said I would get ready so you can leave my room." I grabbed the clothes and crossed my arms over my chest. "I'll leave when you get out of the shower." 

I groaned loudly while walking to my shower. I locked the door and placed the clothes on the counter. I stripped and turned on the shower. While it heated up I brushed out my hair. When it was steaming I got in and tried to rush through it. Getting out I towel dried before getting dressed in the clothes he tossed me. I blow dried my hair, doing my best to keep it from getting frizzy. I tied it in a high pony tail and added a bit of hairspray to keep the fly away hairs in place.

I opened my door to see Luke was no longer in my room. I walked out and sat at my vanity. I looked through my make up and tried to decide on what to do. I didn't want Luke thinking I was getting dolled up for him but I didn't wanna put no effort into my look. For all I know I could meet a cute boy where ever he took me. I decided to do a simple smoky eye, using colors that made my brown eyes look lighter. It was simple and easy for me to do.

I was just finishing up when Luke walked in to my room. I turned to him and narrowed my eyes before going back to doing my make up. "Hurry up, by the way, you look hot." He winked before leaving. I finished my make up and stood up to look in the mirror. I liked the outfit but it was missing something. I looked around and saw a red and black plaid shirt, it was sleeveless and just what I needed. I grabbed it and paired it with a black leather jacket. I looked through the new shoes I had got, trying to find a good pair to match with the outfit. I picked the ones my sister said would go great with my old leather jacket. The high heeled combat boots. Slipping them on I put my plaid shirt over the crop top Luke picked then the leather jacket. Looking at my apperance I smiled and ran down stairs where Luke was once again looking through my fridge.

"Hurry up and take me where ever you're taking me so I can get back to my weekend." He turned around and looked me over, his cookie dropped to the floor, along with his jaw. He shook his head, snapping out of it he picked up his cookie and threw it in the trash. "Um right lets go." He walked out the door making sure I was following him, leadinng me to his car he opened the door for me. I got in and he slammed my door shut and got in the driver side, starting the car he pulled out of my drive way. I wasn't sure where he was taking me but I had an idea of how this night would end.

Twenty minutes later we drove up to a house that had people pouring out of it, music blaring from the inside and empty beer cans everywhere. "Are you fucking kidding me Luke! A party?" He smiled and got out of the car walking to my side, I groaned as he pulled me out. "I swear to god Luke, if you leave me alone for more than five minutes I'm walking home. And our little fun at school ends, I'll go bact to acting like you don't exist on this planet. Got it?" He nodded while gulping and walking inside, he looked back at me and held his hand out. Rolling my eyes I walked past him and straight into the house, grabbing the first unopened beer I saw. Might as well enjoy myself and have fun. I looked back to see Luke grabbing a red cup filled with something, he smiled at me and held his cup up. I held my beer up then took a long swig of it before walking further into the house, finding a chair to sit on I waited for Luke to catch up. When he got close to me I pushed him on the chair and sat on his lap, letting him slip his arms around my waist. I got glares from every girl at the party, but I didn't care since they would just be his next smash and dash.

We finished our first beers then went to get more. Half way to the kitchen I lost him when a girl in a mini skirt caught his attention. Rolling my eyes I spotted Michael and walked over to him, sitting on his lap I grabbed his beer and took a drink. "So Mikey, wanna have some fun?"

*Luke's P.O.V*

I hoped bringing Elena to a party would lighten her up, and maybe I'd be able to prove that I want her. I was hoping to change her opinion of me. I didn't expect her to be so feisty. She was a complete different person but I still wanted her. 

It was going good till I saw Christine bending over, A position she's well known for. I completely lost track of Elena the second I stopped walking. I had just gained a sliver of trust and now I've fucked up chasing skirts. When I turned to Christine and started flirting with her I felt Elena drop my hand. At first I didn't care but then Christine tried kissing me and she flashed through my mind. Pulling away from her I handed her my drink and walked away. I started looking for Elena, hoping she didn't leave like she promised. I walked around the bottom floor looking for her, when I didn't find her I walked up the stairs to check the rooms.

I walked around looking through the rooms, finding them all empty I moved to the next floor. Walking around I avoided all the rooms that had bras tied to the door knob, I knew excatly what that meant. Sighing in defeat when I couldn't find her. I gave up and sat on the steps, thinking she left, I was gonna leave. I felt like an idiot. Maybe I am just a bad boy who hits it and quits it. I wanted to prove her wrong, but I couldn't. I'm not even sure why I wanted to prove her wrong, she was just my next target I wasn't supposed to fall for her.

Getting up I was about to leave when I heard her voice from one of the rooms. God no please let it be my imagnation, don't let her be in that room? I walked to the last door at the end of the hallway, gripping the doorknob I sucked in a breath and held it as I pushed opened the door. "Elena?"     

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