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Third persons POV / how they met


March, 23, 2018 - friday

Nobody's pov

Millie was walking home from filming the 3rd season of stranger things, instead of having her mother pick her up, she decided that she wanted to walk home today.

Your pov

My parents were currently cooking dinner and I just wasn't feeling like myself so I decided that I would go listen to music while taking a walk to the park.

I walked towards my mom to make sure it was okay with her.

"Hey,  mom?"

"Yes, hun?" She looks at me with her
(e/c) eyes

"Can I go take a walk to the park?"

"Of course! Just make sure you're back before dinner."

"I will"

I walked out of the kitchen and grabbed my phone and earbuds/headphones from the living room table. I leave my house to go take a walk to the park.

As I walk to the park I put in my earbuds/headphones and play (favorite song)

I would usually walk to the park for when I'm feeling down or when thinking about something, it always seemed to help me anytime if the day.

Once I got to the park I sat down on the bench and put my music on full blast.

Stress lately has been pulling me down and I don't know how much longer I could handle it.

I'm glad that today was Friday and so therefore the weekend was coming, but that's now why I'm stressed.

You want to know what it was this time? What was stressing me out? Oh, well....

Guess what? I'm a lesbian, for a while my family has been asking me if I have gotten a boyfriend or if I have an eye out for a boy. Same at school, nobody knew I was a lesbian except for my best friend Cheryl.

When I came out to cheryl, I was afraid that she was going to reject me and see me as a freak but she actually took it well and accepted me. She was the one that has helped me through my worst times, I'm glad to have her as my best friend.

I kept on thinking about how I was going to tell my family, or on how they would react.

What if they kick me out? What if they hurt me? What if they don't accept me?

These thoughts were starting to take over my body again.

"Hey there, are you okay?"

I look up and see a girl around my age,
I couldn't help but blush.

"Yes, why'd you ask?" I looked at her, taking in her beauty.

"Well, I saw you crying from a distance and it made me worry."

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I  didn't even notice that I was crying.

I grabbed my face and searched for the tears, and they were there alright.

"O-oh, I didn't know that I was." I chuckled in embarrassment.

"What's your name?"


"Well (y/n), nice to meet you, I'm Millie."

"Nice to meet you too, Millie."

We look at each other and couldn't help but smile.

Millie's pov

I said my goodbyes to the cast and walked home, it wasn't that far.
It's just a 15 minutes walk. I go through the park and front there I'm home.

On my way home I heard sniffling. Was someone crying? I ran to the source of the noise and there I found a girl around my age sitting down on a bench, I couldn't help but walk towards her to comfort her.

"Hey there, are you okay?"

The girl looks up at me and asks
"Yes, why'd you ask?"

Her (tan/dark/pale) face suddenly became a cherry red.

"Well, I saw you crying and was worried."

"O-oh, I didn't know that I was." She chuckled out of embarrassment.

"What's your name?"


"Well (y/n), nice to meet you, I'm Millie."

"Nice to meet you too, Millie." She smiles at me and I smile back at her.

I guess I made a new friend today.

Ahhhh! I hope you guys liked this first part. It wasn't my best but I tried. Hope you liked it :)

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