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"Do you really want to talk, Casey?" I mused, and she frowned deeply.

"I miss my niece and my best friend, Liv. I'm just nervous that if we talk that I'll fall back."

"Then let's not talk. You can see Ellie. Elliot will take her over to your place."

"But what about your wedding?" She sighed.

"I'm married, Casey. For about 3 months."

"Oh." She breathed. I looked over at Eli and Ellie and smiled softly as I saw them laughing and enjoying their time with Amanda and Alex.

"I'm sorry for what I did," I whispered.

"You didn't kill him, he was suicidal on and off his meds."

"But you hate me for it."

"I do, well I did. I'm getting better. I'm starting to feel like myself again."

"Good." I breathed. I kept my eyes away from her, but as we sat there, she reached over and grabbed my hand.

"Can I have you back?" She breathed.


"As my best friend... can I have you back as my best friend?" She asked, and I smiled as tears welled in my eyes. I walked over and hugged Casey tightly as she hugged me back.

"Wanna go see Ellie? She's getting so big. She has started to scoot around, but she's getting close to crawling." I smiled.

"Yes, I really want to see her. And hold her. And hug her." She smiled.


"I saw Amanda when I was getting dinner today," Elliot spoke, as he and I sat down to eat dinner later than normal since he had a later class.

"Oh yeah?" I questioned, and he nodded.

"She said that you and Casey made up." He spoke, and I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, we did." I grinned.

"So I take it that you are excited about it?" Elliot spoke, and I nodded.

"Extremely happy," I replied. Elliot grinned as he leaned over and kissed me softly.

"Are you okay?" Elliot asked, and I nodded.

"I said I was happy." I grinned.

"Did you and Eli have a good day?"

"Yeah, a lot of fun. He got a popsicle but didn't get any on his shirt." I laughed. Elliot reached over and grabbed my hand and smiled.

"I'm glad that you and Kathy made up. Because I love hearing how much fun you had during the day."

"That kid is amazing. I know that Ellie is becoming the little jokester already. Eli is rubbing off on her and they get to grow up together which is great."

"Well, and now Casey, Alex, and Amanda can watch her grow up because you are all besties again, but then that means there will be wine nights here." He laughed, and I smiled as I kicked his leg under the table.

"You like wine so don't complain."


By the time Ellie turned one, a lot had changed in only three short months. I talked to Maureen and cleared up what had happened, and more times than not our house was filled with Stabler kids and all of their wildness. Kathy started to trust me even more, and Eli got to spend more time than he usually does with us. He would spend the night, and then eventually there was an actual custody agreement that was created for him, and he started to live with us every weekend and every other Wednesday because those days are the days that Kathy is the busiest I guess.

"Livvie, can you make Ellie stop slobbering on my truck?!" My stepson yelled from where he played in the living room with his sister. I sighed as I sat the basket full of clothes and started into the living room before Eli started to hit the baby.

"Baby, she's a year old. She wants to play with you, and you asked for it." I sighed. Eli huffed as he wound his hand up to hit her, but I picked my daughter up quickly and stared him down.

"Elliot Stabler, you do not hit your sister," I spoke, as I tried to keep my cool, but Ellie is like 4 years younger than her brother and one of his hits could really hurt her.

"I hate you, Livvie," Eli yelled, before running to the stairs and heading towards his room. I let him go and pout because just like his father if he is angry he needs some time to calm down.

"Momma," Ellie whined, as she pointed at the stairs and started to squirm in my arms.

"I know you want to see Eli, but he needs to calm down baby. Come on, do you want your bottle?" I asked as she started to pout. She popped her bottom lip out and her bright blue eyes started to fill with tears.

I carried her into the kitchen and filled her bottle with water, before sitting her down in her highchair. The front door opened and Elliot came into the kitchen and smiled.

"I closed a deal!" Elliot exclaimed, and I turned to look at him.

"You did?" I asked with a large smile.

"Oh yeah, it was a huge deal that will give me a huge commission." He grinned, as he waltzed over to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me deeply. I moaned into his lips, but as he pulled away I saw how truly happy he was.

"I hate to be a downer, but your son is upstairs pouting because he tried to hit Ellie. He also said he hated me." I breathed.

"Oh geez." He sighed. He set his briefcase down on the counter before going to Ellie and covering her chubby little cheeks with kisses.

"Like, Ellie didn't you drool all over his truck?" Elliot asked as he poked her belly. 

"Dada." She grinned, as she sat her bottle down and reached her hands out to him.

"Should I go talk to him?" I asked. I was nervous about trying to punish his child because I didn't want him to cross a line.

"Liv, he's your kid too, kinda. Punish him if you see it's needed, and I know you don't believe in spanking because of your childhood so if you put him in time out or take away one of his toys it's okay." He smiled gently, before lifting Ellie from her seat and heading into the living room. I sighed quietly before heading towards the stairs as I felt butterflies in my stomach.


It took awhile, but I eventually was able to talk to Eli and tell him that having an annoying baby sister is just something that happens. He just had to try and keep her away from his toys, but if she gets one, it's not like she can break a plastic truck by just touching it. He was calmer and apologized for saying he hates me, and then he told me that he loved me a lot and that I was the best Step Mommy he's ever had.

But as I got to thinking about Ellie and Eli, I started to realize something. Like the fact that my period is late, not by a lot but enough that maybe Elliot was going to add to his large amount of kids again.

So I took a test after Elliot fell asleep, and after getting the results, I ran out of the bedroom and quickly climbed onto the bed. I shook Elliot for several moments before he woke up. He looked at me and sighed.

"Did I miss my alarm?" He yawned, and I shook my head.

"No, but I really need to show you something." I smiled. Elliot pushed himself up and looked at me.

"Did Ellie or Eli do something?" He asked, and I shook my head as I passed the pregnancy test to him. He was confused at first, but then he quickly woke up and wrapped his arms around my body and held me close.

"I swear to god that I won't be absent for this one. I swear."

Hey, so this is where the twins will come into play if you read the one-shots. I may change the names, but they will both be girls. If you have ideas comment! I'd really like them to match or something like that :D

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