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I made it to twelve weeks, and by the looks of the sonogram pictures, the baby was growing where it was supposed to be growing. The baby's heartbeat was strong and there didn't seem to be any problems so far.

"No more morning sickness?" My doctor asked, and I shook my head as I sat on the edge of the examination table.

"Good. Now, let's draw some blood."

"Great," I replied, coldly. My doctor drew some blood before sending me on my way. I walked out and set up another appointment before grabbing my phone and calling Elliot.

"Hey, honey. What's happening with our baby?" Elliot asked.

"It's doing good. Growing where it's supposed to be and its heartbeat is strong. My doctor drew some blood and will call me later with the results." I spoke. I walked to my car and unlocked it before climbing in.

"That's good. But you don't seem happy." He frowned.

"Because I'm not expecting to get a baby from this. I'm old and this is considered a high-risk pregnancy so I'm kinda scared." I frowned.

"Babe, you just need to take a deep breath and try to get through this. What, there is 28 weeks left? You can't be stressed out for 7 months." Elliot spoke.

"I know I can't..." I frowned. I ran my free hand through my hair before sighing.

"Want me to get out of work and come hang out with you? You can skip work and we can send Lucy home and just spend time with the kids." Elliot spoke.

"No, I really need to get back to work. Uh, if you want you could go home and spend some time with the girls. I love you, and I'll see you tonight." I spoke. I hung up and sat my phone down before raking my fingers through my hair. I didn't want to be scared. I wanted to enjoy being pregnant, and I didn't want to be scared to wake up one morning and have lost my baby.


"So, kids," Elliot spoke, as he finally sat down at our large dining room table. It was finally Sunday night dinner, and Elliot had decided it was time to tell the kids.

"Yes, father?" Kathleen asked, as I leaned over and placed Ellie's plate in front of her after I cut up her chicken.

"Olivia is pregnant." He smiled.

"What?" Maureen questioned. I bit my lip as I looked up at them.

"Yeah, I'm 12 weeks pregnant..." I spoke. I made eye contact with Elliot and he gave me a gentle smile. 

"Is the baby okay? Like, after what happened last time?" Maureen breathed.

"Yeah, the baby is growing where it's meant to grow," Elliot spoke for me. I looked over at the twins who didn't really know what was happening, and neither did Ellie. Ellie was too young when I was pregnant with the twins to remember what it was like for me to be like super pregnant.

"This is good news then, right?" Dickie smiled.

"Yeah, it is. We are happy. Right, aren't we happy Liv?" Elliot spoke, and I forced a smile and nodded.

"Yeah. Completely happy."


"That was really good chicken tonight. I'm impressed." Elliot spoke, as I walked out of the bathroom and went to our bed.

"Yeah, I haven't burned chicken in a while." I sighed. I climbed into bed and sank down under the blankets.


"Elliot, I'm good. Please just go to bed. I'm exhausted." I spoke. He sank down beside me and kissed me several times before wrapping his arms around my body and holding me close. I rested my head against his shoulder as I started to fall asleep. I was actually really tired. I wasn't just saying that so he'd shut his mouth.

"Do you still have that meeting with Tucker tomorrow about Dodds?" Elliot asked as he rubbed small circles into my back.

"Yeah. Why?" I yawned.

"I'm just wondering if maybe you'll be getting a promotion, Badass Benson." He spoke. I shook my head as I kept my eyes closed.

"I'm not going to get a promotion. Not now. I was lucky when I got one while I was pregnant with Kat and Cece, but it's not going to happen again." I spoke.

"Maybe our kids are lucky." He smiled against my cheek before he kissed it gently.

"I'm still not going to be excited till towards the end of my pregnancy. Before the baby comes... because then I know the chances are that he lives." I spoke.

"You think it's a boy?" He asked.

"Yeah. I do."


The next morning I got up and showered and left before everyone else was up. Tucker said we had to have an earlier meeting because he was busy the rest of the day. I arrived at work and walked into my office where Tucker already was.

"Black coffee?" I asked as I handed him the cup that didn't have a teabag string hanging out of it.

"Thanks, Benson. Now, we have some things to discuss."

"Tucker, please tell me that you aren't angry at me too." I frowned as I sat down.

"I'm not angry at you, Olivia. I saw your paperwork where you told everyone you are pregnant. You didn't hide it which is good. But, there is another matter at hand."

"Can you just tell me?" I frowned.

"We want you to take the lieutenant test. You are the only one from your class who has gotten this far, this quick." He spoke, a small and awkward smile on his face.

"Really!?" I exclaimed.

"Really. We will give you a month to study, and then you can come down and take the exam. We will have it graded that day and tell you the results."

"Okay. Yeah, I'll do it. But, why are you picking me for this promotion? I'm nothing special." I replied.

"Well, you've done a hell of a lot of good. You were the most important part of the operation that took down Dodds. That's why." He spoke. I smiled largely as I thought about moving up the ranks.

"Do you have the stuff I need to study?" I asked as I stood up when he did.

"Yes. Here is all you need to learn. Congrats, Benson." Tucker spoke, and I shook his hand.

"Thanks, sir."

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