Chapter Five

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I woke up to the sound of something breaking, I shot my head up as I started to sense the danger, just then Apple ran into my room, she was crying and holding her hand.

I jumped out of bed and ran over to her as her hand started to drip blood all over my floor. "Here," I tried to calm her down, "let me see."

She showed me, and I almost threw up.

Chris burst into the room, "what happened?"

"I cut myself daddy," Apple sobbed, "I accidentally ran into a lamp, and it fell on my hand."

"Apple," Chris got down on one knee and examined his daughters hand, I don't how he could do it, "I told you not to horseplay in the house."

"I'm sorry daddy."

Chris stood up and took his daughter to the bathroom to clean up.

Savannah walked into the room, "Audrey," she said, "you have a visitor."

I sighed and followed my sister out of the bedroom.

"Whats going on with Apple?" Savannah asked as we walked into living room.

"She cut her hand," I told her, "lamp fell on her, Chris is taking care of it now."

Savannah nodded and took a seat on the couch, I sat down next to her.
Mother walked into the room with Jack following her, my breath caught in my throat as I immediately shot up to my feet.

"Hello, Audrey," Jack walked over and planted a kiss on my cheek, "how are you?"

I blushed a little, "I'm good, you?"

"Never been better," Jack said as he took his eyes off of me to look at the stairs, Chris and Apple were walking down them.

His daughter ran up to us, she showed me her bandaged hand, "look Audrey," little Apple smiled, "daddy took care of it, its all better."

I chuckled and watched her ran to the kitchen for a snack.

Chris stood a few inches away from us, his arms were stright at his sides as his beautiful blue eyes sparked, "hello Jack," he greeted him with a smile.

"Hello sir," Jack smiled back, showing him his pearly white teeth, "mind if I take Audrey out to lunch? Its only me and my brother, I promise we will bring her back home safe."

Chris glanced at me, "I'll allow it, sense I trust you to keep your word."

I frowned and rolled my eyes at him, sense when did he turn into my father?

"Bye Chris," I said as I followed Jack out the door.

"I hope you don't mind Joe driving," Jack said.

I swallowed hard as I climbed into the crimson painted buick, Joe Jr was looking at me from the rear-view mirror, but I wasn't looking at his beautiful dark-blue eyes, no. I was staring at something else, his massive arms.

God, I want to just place my hand over those bulging muscles that were about to rip out of his dress-shirt at any moment.

"How are you miss. Audrey?"

I was shot back to reality when Joe Jr spoke.

"Fine," my voice was cracked, "you."

"Fine," he said.

I lowered my head as thoughts started to flood my mind, what I'm I doing? I'm starting to have feelings for this man.

"So, Jack," Joe Jr looked at his brother as we pulled out of the driveway, "any plans on dining?"

"I was thinking about that diner just across the embassy," Jack glanced over his shoulder, "what do you think Audrey?"

"Sure," I told him.

We drove a couple of miles until we got into downtown London. We stopped in front of the diner that Jack was talking about, English Diner was the name of it.

We all climbed out of the buick and walked inside.

Jack found us a table next to the floor-to-ceiling window, he sat down next to me and wrapped his arm around my neck and shoulders, Joe Jr looked up from his menu, "really Jack?" He said, "you really have to do that here, you've just met her."

Jack just laughed, "well brother, it feels like I've known her forever."

He turned his head to look at me, his green-grey eyes shined as a smile fell apon his thin lips.

A female waitress walked over to our table, we told her what we've wanted as she took up our menus, a few moments later, she left with our orders.

"So Audrey," Joe Jr leaned forward, "whens the wedding?"

I looked at him in confusion, "what wedding?"

"I heard that your mother was getting married soon."

"Oh uh..." I have no idea, mother doesn't know the actual date of the wedding because she is pretty busy planning it, "we don't know yet."

"You guys are still figuring out the date?"

"Yeah, I guess you could say that," I told him.

I don't know why I still have a bad feeling about Chris, I mean, he seems to be a pretty swell guy, but I don't trust him.

The waitress brought us our food, I started to dig into my plate of beef and potatoes, I didn't realize that I was stuffing my mouth until Jack said something.

"You must be hungry," he said with a laugh.

I looked up at him as I swallowed down my food, "I am, got a problem with it?"

"Oh no, no."

We all started busting out laughing but, was quickly stopped as the manager walked up and told us to get out.

And so we left the table, and walked out.

Jack checked the time on his rolex, "bout time we should bring Audrey home."

Joe Jr agreed as he climbed into the drivers seat.

Jack allowed me to sit in the passenger side while he agreed to take the back.

Joe Jr noticed me staring, I shot my eyes up to him and quickly turned away to look out the window.

"Audrey?" He asked.

I didn't bother to look at him.

"Audrey," he asked again.

I swallowed a huge lump in my throat as the nervousness grew inside of me, I slowly looked at him.

Joe Jrs' eyes were fixed on the road in front of him, and then it happened.

He flexed his arm.

"Do you want to feel?"

My jaw dropped as my eyes grew wide, how could I not say no to this?

And so, I placed a hand on his arm, his muscles felt like solid rock to me, no joke.

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