Chapter Twenty-Five

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I snuck out of the house that night, it was late, probably around midnight or so.

Joe Jr told me to meet him at a court house, we were to be married by the Justice of the Peace.

I caught a bus on my way there, there were not many people on it, actually, I didn't know that buses could run this late.

I rested my head on the cool window as I watched us pass by building after building, it was quite, the buses moter was the only noise I heard.

Take this as a warning, those words, I can't get them out of my head, what am I doing?

I can't turn back now, its too late.

The bus made a screeching halt in front of a very old looking building, I swallowed hard as I got out of my seat and walked off the bus, I stared at it as the bus drove off, is this the right place? I inhaled a deep breath as I took my first steps toward the doors, I slowly let it out when I walked inside.

Its not too late, my conscious told me, there is still time, turn back now.

I ignored the voice in my head, something I would regret later on.

I looked around as a young women walked over to me, "are you the bride of Joseph Kennedy Jr?"

I looked at her and nodded.

"Follow me please, the groom is waiting."

I'm definitely going to regret this, I should've listen to Chris, but I didn't, I completely ignored his warnings.

I followed the woman through some doors and down a corridor, we stopped in front of a door at the end, the woman glanced over her shoulder and gave me a closed-lip smile, "don't worry, we get nervous brides all the time," she opened the door.

I'm not nervous, I just want to run, I was about to tell her that, but I stopped myself from doing so.

I stepped inside as the woman closed the door behind me, I looked forward to see a female judge sitting at her podium in front of the room, she glanced up at me as I approached her.

"Ah, there you are," she smiled, from what it looks like, she has no front teeth.

"Where's Joe?" I asked.

"I'm right here," I whirled around to see my about-to-be husband walking through the aisle of the court room.

I rolled my eyes, thinking that I would get away with this, but it looks like I'm not. You've made a terrible mistake Audrey. See, this is what I get for acting like a total idiot.

Joe stood beside me with his hands crossed out in front of him, oh where is Chris when you need him.

"Sense everyone is here," the judge said, "lets get on with the ceremony."

My heart sunk as all the color drained away from my face. Stupid, stupid.

There was nothing I could do now.

How about I just kill myself after this.

We faced forward as Joe began to say his poor excuse of a vow, and after he was done, it was my turn.

I cringe as I started to say mine, I didn't practice that much, but Joe still kept that closed-lip smile on his face.

"You may now kiss the bride," the judge said, excitedly.

Chris! My brain screamed as Joe planted his lips on to mine, I didn't kiss him back, which was a good thing for me, a very good thing.

He pulls back and says, "your now a Kennedy."

No I'm not, I wanted to say.

I swallowed hard, Joe took me by the hand and led me out of the court room. I want to just die right now.

He then leads me to his parked ford convertible, he opened the passenger side door and I climbed inside, you've just made another terrible mistake.

Its not too late, I can get out and run from him, but my gut told me that I had to stay, no, I'm not going to listen to it.

Joe was just about to get into the car, when I opened the door and jumped out, I then took of in a full sprint down the sidewalk, "hey, you come back here!" Joe yelled as he began to chase after me, I have to get away.

I didn't even make it a mile when Joe grabbed my legs, they slipped from beneath me and I fell to the ground, he turns me over and pins my wrists, "your not going anywhere," he said through heavy breaths, "your mine now, your not going back to your daddy, you should've listen to him."

He lets go of my wrists as he grabbed hold of my blouse, he straighted himself as he yanks me to my feet, "come darling, I've got a surprise for you."

Chris, I start to sob as his name came into view in my head, I need you Chris.

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