Chapter Sixteen

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Please read the authors note at the end if this chapter and comment what you think about what you think about what I'm talking about. Love yous❤️

It was now the holidays, we have two weeks off from school and me and the boys are spending 10 days in Mexico, I can't freaking wait. I haven't told Ben, he's gonna kill me when I get back. I don't have to worry about that till then, oh god, I'm gonna die.

I was just finishing packing the last bits and bops I need for holiday, there was then a knock on my door. "Come in" I said. "Hey" it was Jai. "Hey Jai, why are you here and not packing at home." "Mums done it for me and I got bored" "Oh wow you're so lazy" he stuck his tongue at me. "So how are you?" He asks. "I'm good you?" I ask trying to freaking close my suitcase. "I'm good, you need help there?" "Yes please" I laughed. He closed the suit case with no problem what so ever. "What the fuck. How the fuck did you do that." "Drugs. Jokes" we laughed.

We laid on the floor. "I'm hungry" I said. "Then get food." "It's too far." "And you call me lazy." "Shut up and get me food" I said. "No" "ugh people are so lazy these days" I got up and before I left the room I felt something whack my head. I turn around and see a pillow on the floor. "Ow" I said. "Leave" "whatever" we both laughed and I left for food.

When I got to the kitchen I went to the fridge. Wait why is he here. "Erm why are you here?" I asked Luke. "I came with Jai. "Erm why?" "Because I can" "I really don't want you here in my house." "Tough" I sighed,!grabbed some ice cream for the freezer and walked back upstairs.


We were now at the airport, waiting for our flight to be called. Mum and Gina have already said their goodbyes and left. I had my earphone in, listening to rude by MAGIC!. "Why you gotta be so rude? Don't you know I'm human too?" I was humming along to the song. "Can you shut the fuck up. You can't sing and it's giving us all a headache." Luke said. "LUKE there's no need to be rude" Beau said. "She's so fucking irritating." I rolled my eyes. "Can passengers please make their way over and board their flight." (A/N I forgot what they say in airports, someone help😂😂😂) we walked over, beau and Jai were in front of me and Luke was behind in the queue.

I handed the lady my ticket and made my way towards the plane. I put my rucksack in the compartment thing above us and say down next to the window seat. I put my music up high and closed my eyes, resting my head against the wall thing. (A/N not fling asleep, her eyes are just closed.)

About ten minutes later I then opened my eyes realising there was a bright light in my face. I took my head phones out and said "Jai why the fuck did you open the shutter thing for?" "erm one it's not Jai and two because I want it opened." I looked next to me. Why the fuck is he sitting next to me for. "Why the fuck are you sitting next to me?" "Cause then two faggot decided to sit next to each other, I argued with them and the flight attendant said if I didn't sit down she will kick me off the flight so yeah" "for fuck sake" I turned behind me "beau, swap with me please." "I'm comfortable where I am" he groaned. For fuck sake. "I need to pee, move please?" I said to Luke. He moved out the way and I made my way to the toilet.

A couple minute later I was walking back and he was sitting in my seat, his eyes were closed but I knew he was awake. "Erm can you sit back where you were?" "Nah" he said, his eyes still closed. "Fine" I said. I walked over in front of him and sat on his lap with all my force. "Oh wow this is comfy" I said. "Get the fuck off me." "Nah" I said mimicking him (A/N;is that the right word?😂😂😂) "seriously. Get the fuck off me." "I'm good thankyou, so what are we watching?" "I don't want your freaking germs. Get the fuck off me." I started moving around on his lap, I knew he would get irritated cause of that. "Move." "If you promise you'll get out of my seat and sit back to your seat." "Fine." I got up and he moved back. "Wasn't that hard now was it?" I rolled his eyes.


We were now in Mexico and we were walking up to our hotel rooms. Luke was still in the lobby because he was- well I dunno where he is "Okay so who am I sharing with?" I asked. "Luke" beau simply stated (A/N; 99.999999999% of you knew that this was gonna happen. Don't lie). "Erm why the fuck to I have to share a room with the stupidest guy on the planet?" "Hey that's my brother but yeah its true." He laughed. "And because you guys need to start bonding and become best friends with each other again." "But I don't want to" I whined. "Too bad" beau said mimicked my actions. "For fuck sake." I sighed and opened the hotel room. "Have fuuuuuuuun" beau and Jai sang.

About five minutes later Luke came into the room. "Hey Ja-why the fuck are you here?" He questioned. "We're sharing a room together because beau said so, I didn't want this either okay" "well too bad I'm not sharing." He walked out and I think he went next door to beau and Jai's room since I could hear shouting.

Luke walked back in five minutes later. "Okay, we are gonna have some rules here. One you are not allowed to sleep on the bed." He said. "Well where the fuck am I supposed to sleep?" I questioned. "On the sofa." "And why can't you sleep there" "because I said so" "well I was here first" "shut the fuck up" he said. "Rude" "anyways rule two you are not allowed to touch any of my stuff. Rule three you are not allowed to speak to me at all. Rule four..." He went to his suitcase and got out a belt, placing it on the floor in the middle of the room. "You're not allowed past this line. Past this line is my side so stay out. Okay I think that's it." "Dick head." I mumbled. "What was that?" "You're a dick head." "Go back to what you were doing slut and stick with the rules or you will be fucking punished." I rolled my eyes and unpacked. This trip was gonna be so much fun. Ha not.

I can't believe so many people are reading this. I love yous❤️
Please check out my other stories also I need a bit of help. I wanna write another fan fic. I want to write a Daniel one but I can't decide;
Basically I wanted to write one about this girl who is an undercover olive officer who like investigating the gang Daniel is in but she falls for him and shit. But then I thought that I should write that for a JAI fan fic instead. But I can't decide so you decide.❤️I hope it makes sense.😂😂🙈

but I'm also gonna post a fan fic about one of boys noticing this girl at the skate park but is to afraid to like talk to her so for weeks he watches her skate and shit and then finally has the courage to talk to her. I dunno whether I should make this one or not. I was originally gonna make it for skip but I can't decide.

So basically decide whether the fan fic about undercover police officer should be for jai of Daniel and if I should write the fan fic about the skate park for daniel

I love yous❤️I hope you guys have a lovely day❤️ its 3am now so night or morning, I dunno🙈❤️

I Hate That I Love You | Luke Brooks *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now