Chapter Seventeen

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We have been in Mexico for a couple of days now and none stop me and Luke have been arguing. He just doesn't know how to shut the fuck up, like seriously.

We were now by the pool, I can't even remember what we were arguing about but now we were telli- well shouting at each other to shut up and I think we were drawing attention.




Before I knew it I was attacked by water. The dick'ed pushed me into the pool. "That wasn't very nice."I said. "Well you were angry, I thought you just needed to cool down a bit" he said smirking. "Ugh"

I got out of the pool, wrapped a towel around me and walked up to him and stuck my middle finger at him, I then walked away back into my hotel room to have a shower.

After my shower I realised I had a message on WhatsApp from Beau.

Hey, I dunno how to work the TV and neither does Jai, can you help? xx

sure I'll be there in ten xx

My hair was already dried because I just finished drying it with the hair dryer. I got changed into my high waisted shorts and a crop top, putting on some socks and my vans.

Luke's POV

I was watching TV whilst waiting for Alex to finish in the shower as I need to have a shower also.

The hotel phone then rang, "erm hello" I said. "Hey Luke its Jai, you left your phone with us when you went back to your room and I forgot to give it to you so do you wanna come and get it." "Are you seriously that lazy to come over here?" "Fine, don't get your phone back, I'll just text some random people on here until you agree to come." "Ha you don't even know my password" "its 3828(a/n; random numbers I dunno 😂😂)" "wait how the fuck did you know that?" "We are twins dumbass" "oh right, I'm coming now" "kk"

I got up and walked over to Beau's and Jai's room, their room was next door.

I knocked on the door "I'm glad you could make it, please come in" Jai said trying to talk in a funny voice. "Yeah whatever."

I sat on his bed. "Can I have my phone now?" "Hmmm" "seriously Jai give it" "give what?" "The phone" "what phone" he smirked. "My phone." "Oh" "yes 'oh' now give it" "I lost it." "You're a real dick you know that" "no I didn't, thanks for letting me know though" "seriously Jai give me the fuc-" I was interrupted by a know on the door. Jai went to answer it, I then saw my phone outside on the balcony. (A/N: don't ask how just go with it, ill probs change that not later when I edit the story) The dick head doesn't even know how to hide crap. I went out and grabbed my phone, the view looked amazing so I decided to take a couple of pics.

Alex's POV

I knocked on their door and Jai answered. "Hey Jai, Beau said your TV wasn't working so I'm here to fix it since" "yeah he said you were coming. He's just popped out but he'll be back soon. The remote is out in the balcony, come"

I walked out into the balcony with Jai. I saw him but chose to ignore him. I saw the remote on the table and grabbed it turning around to leave but then I saw Jai on the other side of the window.

I grabbed the handle and tried to slide it across but it wouldn't work. FUCK. "Jai this isn't funny open the door." "Nope"

"Wait what?" Luke said. "Jai has locked us out" "what the fuck Jai open the fucking door." "Not with that attitude mister" he said in a funny voice which caused me to laugh even thought I was full on angry.

"He's locked us out here and you're just laughing" he said. "It was funny" I shrugged my shoulders.

"But seriously Jai open the door" I asked. "Not until you guys work everything out."

"There's nothing to work out just open the door." "I'm hungry I think I'm gonna go get some food, oh don't worry about the TV though Alex, it's fixed now, have a lovely evening" Jai said, leaving the room. Well great.

Luke started banging on the door, I walked over to the chairs and table and sat down. For god sake.

I Hate That I Love You | Luke Brooks *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now