Chapter Thirty One

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Luke's POV

I woke up to loud knocking on the door. Mum was at work and I knew Jai and Beau were always at gym this early, I also knew it wasn't Al to wake me up for school as it was the weekend and she would be asleep since it was 9:30am. Actually I'm never awake at this time. Whoever it is best having a fucking good excuse.

I opened the door expecting it to be Jai or Beau thinking that they left their key at home but it was the last person I would ever expect... The police? What the fuck?

Alex's POV

I woke up to sirens, god can't they be quite. Wait what's happening?

I climbed out of bed and looked outside my window, they were outside Luke's house. What the fuck is happening?

I ran outside and a gush if wind hit me as I was in T-shirt and shorts but that didn't even matter right now.

I saw Luke being forcibly escorted out of his own house, hands cuffed, screaming 'I didn't do it' do what?

"LUKE WHAT HAPPENED?" I shouted running towards him. "AL PLEASE DONT BELIEVE THEM I DIDNT DO ANYTHING. SOMEONE IS FRAMING ME" he screamed as the police officers pushed passed me with Luke but I ran after them. "Excuse me miss you need to move" one if the officers said sternly. "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON?" I shouted at him. He just ignored me and shoved Luke in the car.

I ran up to the window and he shouted so I could hear him saying "don't call my mum yet please." He pleaded, tears were coming out of his eyes now, god knows how many were coming out of mine.


I rushed over to the police Station. It didn't really help that it was on the other side of Glenroy and I had no car or anyone to take me over there which meant I had to take the bus.

I left voicemails on beaus and Jai's phone but I doubt that they won't hear them for another hour or two since they were at the gym.

I looked like shit, I shoved on the first set of clothes I saw, track suit bottoms and a jumper.

Once I arrived at the station I ran over to the front desk to ask for Luke, luckily there was no one in the line, even if there was I would cut through. I have no fucking idea what's going on.

There was a man at the front desk, he looked around his 40's or 50's, he was also bald.

"Excuse me I need to see Luke Brooks" I asked.

"One second" he looked through some files then came back to me. "Oh mr Luke Brooks, you can't see him just yet he's in questioning." "QUESTIONING FOR WHAT?" I shouted. "Young lady I would appreciate it if you lowered you tone at me" for fuck sake. "Sorry, but what has Luke done exactly?" "Mr. Brooks did what is called a hit and run, two nights ago around 10-11pm Mr Brooks was drink driving and ran over Miss. Casey Jones, he ran her over and just drove off. Miss Casey is however alive but in a coma."

What? No words were coming out of my mouth.

"H-how? Luke doesn't even drive" "That is why we are also charging him for theft. He stole a car." "B-but this- if doesn't make sense. He wouldn't do such a thing. Luke's- he's innocent. You've got the wrong person."

"I'm sorry"

"Can- can I see him?" "Just a second?" I nodded.

I was still in shock. Luke would never do such a thing. How am I supposed to tell the boys. This doesn't even make sense?


A whole later they allowed me to see Luke but in a cell. I cried as soon as I saw him. He looked so tired, it looks as if he has been crying too.

As soon as he saw he he rushed over to the door of his cell. "AL" he said in happiness. "L-luke. Is what they're saying true" "of course not Al, I've been set up. You know me Al, you know that I would never do such a thing. Please believe me." He said.

I looked into his eyes to see if he was telling the truth or not. "I believe you." He put his hand through the cell to hold mine, me allowing him. "Please don't worry about me. I'll get out somehow." "I'll be here every step of the way" I smiled. "Al?" "Yeah?" "Ca-can you explain this to the boys and to mum?" "Of course" "I hope they'll believe me" "hey we know you didn't do anything. They'll understand. Were going to get you out okay." "Okay. I love you Al" "I love you too"

And with that I left the room and made my way back home. God knows how I'm going to explain this to the boys and to Gina.


Once I got home I explained everything to them. They obviously didn't take it well. Jai ran up to his room refusing to come out, beau just had that shocked face, he didn't even say anything but there were tears streaming down his face and Gina wept, of course she would, her son is in jail for something that he didn't do. Gina immediately phoned Luke's lawyer, Norman, she told me that he could fix this mess.

Who would frame Luke? why would they frame him? This doesn't make sense. there is obviously someone framing him as Luke would never do such a thing. Obviously there is someone out there who hates him. But why?


Can you guess who it is? If anyone guesses correctly I will dedicate the next chapter to you, I've already written the next chapter🙊

There is only two chapters left and I guess there will be an epilogue.

Also no one really comments anymore and I feel as if no one really likes this story no more. Thankyou though to those who do. I'm not really trying to beg for comments I just feel as if my story is now boring all of y'all. anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Next chapter will be short but not too short I hope, I'm still editing it.

Also once this story has finished in going to edit everything with the grammar and that. I'm also going to try and make that scene with Alex and Luke from two chapters ago better because I rushed the shit.

Have a good day💖

I Hate That I Love You | Luke Brooks *UNDER EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now