My lifeless life

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Chaeyoung's POV

The annoying blaring of the small alarm clock jarred me out of my peaceful sleep and I jolted up, smashing the snooze button as hard as I possibly could. Five more minutes won't be bad, right? But as always they pass as fast as lightings. I turned off the alarm and sat on my bed, I am up before sunrise.

It was still five in the morning but I need to prepare breakfast and myself for work.

Today is the ninth of October the weather is eventually starting to become cold. I rolled out of the bed and fell to the floor to do some push-ups and warm up for my body because I sleep in a short despite the season. I looked at the unfinished mini canvas on my desk and sighed. I cursed myself for being lazy and not finishing them last night now I have to spend a white night and finish them.

I work as a security and somehow a maintenance worker at a building company called Horizon. It's not why I've dreamed of but sometimes we are forced to take roads we don't want because simply we don't have another choice.

The company is ten years old only but it achieved a lot in a short time. The engineers and managers are doing a very good job in its management. My mother used to be the janitor but after her illness, I had to replace her by being a security guy with my friend's help.

My father died five years ago, this is when the nightmare began. I couldn't continue my studies because I had to work and make money... Four years later my mother was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) which is a chronic disease that attacks the central nervous system. It affects the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves.

(Author's note: My father has the same disease but thank God it's on primary stage I hope you won't experience its pain because it's unbearable)

She specifically has Primary progressive MS (PPMS), it first started when she had trouble walking. She ignored it and blamed her job that demands standing and walking a lot. Only 10% to 15% of people with multiple sclerosis have this form. It made me feel raged toward it, why my mother out of everyone in the world?

Eventually, I and she accepted our fate. The progress of her disease was increasing very fast, from problems with walking, trouble with balance and vision problems. I saw her languish in front of me and I couldn't do anything.

There is a medication called ocrelizumab (Ocrevus) that's approved to treat PPMS. It's a first-line medication, which means you don't have to try other therapies before you can take it. It lowers the number of cells in the blood that cause the immune system to go into overdrive and attack the myelin around the nerves. It slows the progress of primary progressive MS.

But I couldn't afford it...

She is now paralyzed with Speech issues...

I walked to her room and saw her sleeping peacefully so I rushed to the kitchen and started to prepare the breakfast before my aunt comes. She takes care of my mother in my absence which is almost fifteen hours a day because I work two jobs, a janitor and an usherette at a cinema theatre.

Actually, I love my second job because I get a chance to watch all the new released movies for free, it's the only fun and interesting thing in my life at the moment.

After eating some toast and jam I went to check my mom and she was still sleeping so I placed a soft kiss on her forehead and rushed to the front door, I gasped when I saw my aunt in front of me.

"Auuunt!" I whined, "you scared me!"

"Did I?" she cupped my face and grinned "good morning my beautiful nephew"

She is my mother's twin sister. They have the same long brown hair, white skin, and the dark black eyes. I always loved their relationship, before my mom got sick they used to jog every day at this hour but now my aunt has to take care of her. I watched her rush to my mother's room and I followed her.

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