Chapter 1: Garfield goes to space

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There was once a cat who wanted to eat every lasanga in the universe. His name was Garfield.

He wanted to get a space vessel that looked like lasanga.

He payed NASA $4206996024.00 for it. (Bet you won't read that number)

"I'm ready to desroy every lasanga in the universe" said Garfield

As Garfield boarded the ship he said "this universe is gonna be left without lasanga" but not before packing every lasanga on earth.

As Garfield boarded the ship he said "this universe is gonna be left without lasanga" but not before packing every lasanga on earth

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He realized that there was veggie lasanga and threw the veggie lasanga away.

The ship ran on pasta sauce so he got a lot of sauce and put it in the ship's fuel storage and kept some extra just in case.

The ship left the station and Jon and Odie sauluted for Garfield on his adventure.

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