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❤️ 1 like (by himself)

I<3Books Ugh, she doesn't even let us use our wands!
BetterThanPotter That may be a good thing.
I<3Books You only say that because you're in the Inquisitorial Squad!
BetterThanPotter Only to get extra credit! Because somebody doesnt help me with my homework and my grade is currently at T. And Father said we could only take yearly trips to the Bahamas if I get at least a P in every subject!
I<3Books Siriusly?
I<3Books Noooo I regret that Sirius-related pun! He's gonna die soon! I shouldn't have made fun of him.
BetterThanPotter I thought you didn't use the time turner anymore...
I<3Books Shush!

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