Let me just say I read @Its_ya_fandom_girl 's version and it was aMAZing, so GIVE HER A ROUND OF APPLAUSE LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!!! It inspired me and this story was born. Also, the idea has been going around lately, so I thought I'd give it a shot an...
I<3Books OMG, I'm so sorry babe, I was just miffed! RoonildWazlib "miffed" hah! (but what does that mean?) BetterThanPotter By dos ith boken [translation: my nose is broken] RoonildWazlib really, who are you kidding, malfoy. this is typing, for merlin's sake! BetterThanPotter Doh really! I'm voide dyping! [Translation: no really! I'm voice typing!] I<3Books SIRIUSLY?!?! [End Comment] *runs into hospital wing, pounces on Draco, and kisses him full on the lips* Draco: I'm mud bedder dow. *Smiles at Hermione* Ron: *at door* ewwwwww... Hermione: *glares at Ron* Ronald! Haven't you seen someone snog before?
[A/N] On a totally unrelated note, I found 'Ron' in my word search today!