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You wake up underwater and sinking fast. You call out for help, but bubbles escape from your lips instead of words. Now shocked fully awake by the cold currents, you force your numb legs to kick. The shimmering bubbles point the way to the surface, but something slows you down; a large sack clutched tightly in your hand. You start to wonder what’s inside, but the burning in your lungs reminds you that you’re almost out of air. Summoning all of your strength you swim as hard as you can. Leaving the icy depths behind and propelling yourself higher, higher, higher. The rising sun illuminates the giant ocean around you and some wreckage nearby. You paddle over and toss your bag onto the wooden timbers, relieved to learn that they stay afloat. As your eyes adjust to the early morning light, they notice a strange symbol painted on the wreckage. But before you can get a closer look, you sense something disturbing the water behind you. A series of black pointed fins rise from under the sea. Stricken by fear, all you can do is watch the finned creature swim towards you with uncanny speed, until… A bolt of blue flame strikes from above, sending the underwater beast back to the deep. In the sky, a dark shape emerges. It’s massive wings beat away the ocean fog as it lands on another larger piece of wreckage. Even though the aching in your head makes it hard to think, you know that this is a dragon. And it’s not alone. A human figure slips off the dragon’s back. He wears a strange leather outfit and a polished metal device where his left foot used to be. Suddenly aware of his intimidating appearance, he comes his helmet, revealing a warm, smiling face. “Don’t worry! We’re here to help. My name is Hiccup,” he says as his dragon retracts its teeth and gives you a gummy grin. “This is Toothless. And you are…?” It takes moment, but then you realize that you cannot remember. Your name, your history, everything- it’s all a blank. All you can mange to say is, “I don’t know.” “Hmm… looks like you may have been involved in a shipwreck. Maybe you hit your head when you went overboard,” Hiccup guesses as he looks around at the floating debris. “Still, it’s a good thing Toothless saw all of this wreckage from above. Otherwise, you might have ended up as that Seashocker’s breakfast.” “Was I alone?” you ask in a quizzical tone. “Only one way to be sure,” Hiccup says. “Toothless, give us a quick lay of the land…er, sea.” Toothless releases a blue ray of light that looks like it acts as a sonar. Toothless listens for a response, then relaxes as none comes. “Well that settles it. No one else is out here.” A sudden cracking sound causes Toothless to roar and paw open your bag, revealing a round mass covered in wet muck, algae and seaweed. It’s a large egg, and it makes another splintering noise. “Uh-oh,” Hiccup says, pointing to the long crack running along it’s shell. “We don’t have much time! The water’s lowered its body temperature. We have to help that dragon hatch, before it’s too late!” Then Hiccup looks to you and asks, “Will you come with us?”


It’s a little hard to write while flying on the back of a dragon.

But I need to jot down the questions in my head before I forget them along with EVERYTHING ELSE I used to know.

Questions like:

Is this my handwriting?

It must be. Because my hand sure is writing it.


And it seems to match the writing on the other pages. At least the parts that haven’t been washed away by the sea water (which is close to the entire book).

Does that make this my book-my journal?

I guess that be question two, wouldn’t it?

Okay. Here’s yet another question and I’m thinking it’s a big one. What in the world does that crest on the wreckage mean?

As soon as I saw the symbol on that piece of driftwood from the shipwreck, I just knew t represented something important to me. To whoever I used to be. Is it mine? My family’s crest? Do I even have a family?




WHOA! sorry about that.

The dragon I’m riding on (can’t believe I actually wrote those words) just swooped down to catch a mouthful of fish. He seems to be chewing ‘em pretty well for a dragon named “Toothless.”


Hiccup says not to worry. That he’ll help me figure this out.


And even though I just met them, deep down inside, I trust Hiccup and Toothless. Not just because they saved my life. Or (hopefully) the life of the dragon inside the egg.



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