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A/N: I know Hybrids have a heat but I'm just, uh, gonna leave that out- So there's not gonna be a chapter of Yoongles in heat-

Yoongi hissed, "Nope. Not going." Namjoon tried to pull Yoongi but he didn't budge.

"It's just a storm." Yoongi shrugged.

"It's a natural shower without soap." Namjoon groaned.

"Thought you've been wanting to see my studio. And last time you got mad I didn't take you that you shredded the couch pillows. You're not staying alone." Yoongi glared and hissed once again when Namjoon had tried to pick him up without getting hurt. The older was in a rain coat and yet still refused, "Fuck it.." He grabbed Yoongi from behind and walked out, Yoongi trying to scratch Namjoon enough so he would be dropped. He was finally et down outside the car and quickly got inside. When Namjoon sat in the drivers seat he looked at the pissed off hybrid. he chuckled as Yoongi flipped him off.

"This is bullshit. This is an act I will never forgive. Worst owner ever. 110/10" He glared out the window, never bothering to lower his finger. Namjoon backed out and put down Yoongi's finger gently.

"Hyung that's -100" Yoongi quickly looked at Namjoon as the younger drove.

"No shit." He looked back out the window and at the dark sky, "I'm not forgiving you anytime soon." Namjoon rolled his eyes and smirked.

"Yes you are. You can't hold grudges that long." Namjoon rolled his window down slightly, raindrops just barely slipping through.

"Try me. I dare you." Yoongi smiled as he looked at the younger, "And roll up your window." The rest of the drive was in comfortable silence. Namjoon pulled into a parking space and looked at Yoongi.

"Hyung. Please co-operate. I'm going to prop open the studio door and when I open your car door you can shoot right in." Yoongi glared as he looked at Namjoon. He was already opening his door. Yoongi sat in his seat and waited where he was. Namjoon came back a few seconds later and opened the car door for him. Instead of going straight to the exit and stayed by Namjoon, feeling safer by the others side, "So your not running?" Both of them walked to the entrance.

"Shut up." Namjoon closed the door. Yoongi shook his head, water droplets flying every direction, "Where's your studio?" Namjoon smiled and pointed forward with his head.

"Upstairs. C'mon." Both males walked to the studio, "You've never told me you had a thing for music." Yoongi shrugged.

"I always have I guess." Namjoon let out a small chuckle as they walked inside the office. White walls, tan carpet, obviously a computer desk, computer, chair, and speakers. A shelf was against a wall, the majority having KAWS figures, lights on behind them. The opposite wall had another shelf, full of little knick knacks, a basketball, many small figurines, and a candle. There was a light up sign just above his computer that read "Mon Studios". A chair was next to the doorway.

(A/N: I tried to describe his studio the best I could while looking at pics)

"It's small but it works." Namjoon sat on the chair by the door as Yoongi looked at the items he had. He picked up a KAWS figure and raised a brow at Namjoon.

"You're such a damn fanboy for KAWS, huh?" Namjoon let his head roll down and hid his embarrassed smiled.

"I wouldn't say...." Yoongi continued to stare at the boy, waiting for the truth, "Yeah.." Yoongi smiled at the now shy male. He sat in the seat by the desk.

"So, what type of music do you make?" Namjoon opened his mouth to answer but there was a knock on the door. He looked at it and opened it just far enough to see who it was. Jimin.

"Hyung, do you have the tracks ready? The producer is ready." Namjoon stood up and walked to his desk. He turned the chair's back to the door so Yoongi's face was hidden. The older looked at him slightly confused since he didn't hear the youngest males voice well enough.

"Yeah, hold on. Let me get them." Jimin walked in and stood by the door, noticing the legs under the chair. He glanced at Namjoon.

"Who's that?" Jimin raised a brow with a smirk. Namjoon held the hard drive in his hand and looked at Yoongi. The male looked shaken to have heard the others voice. He looked back to Jimin.

"It's my nephew. He wanted to see my studio so I brought him." He walked over and held the hard drive towards Jimin, "Here. I'll be there in a second."

"He wants you to bring it to him. It is your music." Jimin looked at him with an innocent smile, "I'll catch up. I left a necklace on one of your shelves." Namjoon thought for a few seconds, not wanting to leave the older to himself. He sighed.

"Ok then. Only go near my shelves though. No where near my nephew or my desk." Namjoon walked past him and Jimin hesitantly. Jimin waited until he was far enough to close the door. He started looking at the shelves, trying to see where he left the necklace. He was fairly quiet, not aware who's actually in the chair. He looked at the back of the chair and smiled.

"Hello. I didn't know Namjoon-hyung had a nephew. What's your name?" Yoongi stayed quiet, "Oh.. Are you mute?" Yoongi thought for a few seconds before holding out a thumbs up. Jimin saw it and smiled, "Ah, ok. That's fine. I'm Park Jimin. I work with Namjoon time to time." Yoongi nodded without thinking, knowing Jimin couldn't see him. He thought that if he played along Jimin would find the jewelry and leave. Jimin grabbed the chain and looked back at the chair. The screen on the computer was black, Jimin seeing the others reflection. Their eyes staring at the other in surprise. Jimin grabbed the back of the chair and spun it around.

Trust You | Namgi(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now