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Jimin came downstairs with his laptop in hand. Yoongi was laying on the couch asleep from the previous acts. He looked at the sleeping hybrid, putting his laptop on the table and pulled the pillow out from under his head. Yoongi furrowed his brows and opened his eyes, "Why'd you wake me?" Jimin smiled and moved Yoongi's hair from his forehead.

"You're so cute with messy hair." Yoongi sat up and scooted back. His whimpered as pain shot up his back, "Kitten, were you on my computer?" Yoongi shook his head, his face empty of colour, "Really? You weren't? What's this facebook account then? And what're these messages?" Jimin pretended to be confused as he looked between Yoongi and the screen, "The account name is your name."

"I-" Jimin shut the computer and placed it on the floor. He put a hand on the arm rest and his other on Yoongi's throat. His grip tightened as Yoongi clawed at his hand and wrist.

"You really think I'll let you leave this time? Are you that delusional still? You're so fucking pathetic." Jimin smirked as Yoongi squirmed, "Namjoon doesn't love you anymore. You believe what you want but he'll just make you feel special then throw you out." Yoongi shook his head the best he could and Jimin released his grip. Yoongi coughed harshly and took deep breaths, tears sliding down his cheeks, "Stay with me Yoongi. I'll treasure you forever. I'll make you feel special and I won't leave." Jimin grabbed Yoongi's hands and held them to the olders chest.

"You're lying. You always lie. Namjoon won't hurt me. He would never do anything to me I didn't want." Jimin cocked his head and sat up, letting Yoongi go. Yoongi braced himself as he expected to get hit but it never came. He opened his eyes to see Jimin looking at him.

"Yoongi. Has Namjoon never told you about his past with other hybrids?" Yoongi shook his head, "I've known Namjoon since I was a child. I act the way I do because I picked it up from Namjoon. I've seen it happen. He had such a gorgeous dog hybrid one time. He was absolutely beautiful. Namjoon does what to him? Rape him, beat him, chain him up. He starved the poor thing. He's killed every hybrid he's had." Jimin leaned forward and whispered into Yoongi's ear, "What would make you any different? He hasn't gotten in trouble yet because no one cares about hybrids." He smirked as Yoongi started shaking.

"No.. He hasn't done those things.." Jimin hid his smirk as he sat back up. He nodded.

"Yes he has. Like I said, I've seen him do it. Yoongi-hyung." Yoongi looked Jimin in the eyes. He couldn't stop the tears at this point, "I only rape you and beat you. I blame Namjoon for that behaviour. In the few months that I lost you, I tried to better myself. I haven't beaten you like I used to. I've only touched you twice since getting you back. I'm getting better. Stay with me. Namjoon will make you suffer if you start dating him." Jimin wiped away Yoongi's tears. The smaller instinctively hugged Jimin which caught the younger off guard. He hugged Yoongi back.

"I'll only trust you if you stop. Stop hurting me and I'll give it thought." Jimin nodded and smoothed down Yoongi's hair. He smiled.

"I promise."

"I'm killing that fucker." Namjoon threw his phone to the ground. Taehyung winced at the noise. Jin sighed, leaning against Hoseok.

"At least you know he's alive." Jin glared at Taehyung, "What?"

"Not. Helping." Namjoon sat on the couch and ran his hands through his hair. He slapped his knees and stood up.

"That's it! I'm buying a gun! I'm going to find out where Jimin lives! And I'll shoot him!" Namjoon left to the kitchen. Hoseok sighed.

"He's not getting a gun with that mindset anytime soon. How long has Yoongi-hyung been missing?" Hoseok looked between his hybrid and Taehyung.

"Almost 2 months now." Taehyung crossed his legs in the chair and slightly rocked back and forth. Jin sat up.

"So, who here wants to go take him out for drinks? Get him drunk so he gets murder out of his mind." Taehyung shook his head and pointed to Hoseok. Jin looked up at the brunette.

"God, you both hate me that much." Jin moved away from Hoseok so he could go talk to Namjoon. Taehyung giggled as he watched Hoseok leave. Jin smiled and looked to the youngest.

"So if Hoseok get killed by Namjoon can I join your relationship?" Taehyung rolled his eyes and pretended to think.

"Hmmm. Ya know I don't think Jungkook would mind a three-way." Jin snickered and looked back to the kitchen.

"So when do you think Yoongi's coming back?" Taehyung shrugged. A yawn escaped his mouth.

"Not sure. Depends who finds Jimin first. The cops or Namjoon-hyung."

Trust You | Namgi(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now