Fidelina's POV:
I head down the steps of the fraternity house, towards my perfect little Subaru Outback, waiting for me about three blocks down. Though I came to the party, my class starts at eight a.m. tomorrow. I refuse to fail out of college when I already obtained a lifetime of debt. I feel an arm wrap around my waist and a hand clamped over my mouth.
"Don't move or I shoot." He whispers in my ear. I freeze while he chuckles. "Good Girl, why don't we keep walking around this corner, be casual. We're going to take a ride to your new home." I start to struggle against him but his grip tightens
"I suggest you quit trying to fight against me, little one." He whispers in my right ear. I try to break his grasp again,one more time. I hear him growl, and the sound of metal click together, the signs of what I imagine to be a gun. I squeal quietly.
"I'm done..." I whisper, backing into him. He resecures his grip around my waist. When we round the corner I see a utility van with the side door opened. I thought they only called these raper vans as a joke.
"Now, be my good girl and get in the back of the van." He tells me, gesturing his arm to the van, like a waiter showing you to your table at a meal. I don't move, seeing my life flash before my eyes if I dare move out of turn. He adds pressure to the back of my head.
"Move your ass or I'll shoot you."I move towards the van, when I get to the door he practically throws me inside. He closes the door behind us, I look around to see a grate between us and the driver. My kidnapper yells for the driver to go, then he turns to me.
"Please sir-" my plea is interrupted by a slap to the face, I whimper.
"Don't talk to me unless I give you permission. Do you understand?" He asks me. I nod.
"Good girl." He says looking through the metal grating.
"Remember what he said; you touch her then it's your death." I hear the driver say.
"Fuck... he knows how to pick them." He says looking at my body. I move, bringing my knees to my chest while crossing my arms. I feel a bit uncomfortable with the way he looks at me. He notices this.
"You can use my body as a pillow sweetheart." His smile makes my stomach lurch.
"No." I try to sound strong but it comes out as a whimper. He slaps me again. This time, it hurts more.
"Then don't move, or I'll tie your ass up. Got it?" Everything he says sounds like a growl. We ride in the van for what feels like an eternity. My phone starts to go off, breaking the silence. I curse it for doing so.
"You didn't check her?!" The driver asks alarmed.
"No- I-" the man back here pulls me over to him, roughly taking it from my back pocket.
"You will not tell them what's going on, act normal. Do you understand?" He threatens me. I nod and he answers the call and places the phone on speaker, while holding up the gun in front of me.
"Hey honey, what are you doing?" My mom asks from the other end.
"Hi Mom, I'm out with a few...friends right now, you?" I ask trying not to sound so scared.
"Is everything okay?" She asks after a moment. "I may be far away but you can't lie to me Fidelina." She says. He waves the gun at me, as if warning me to keep my composure.
"Hmm? Oh yeah, everything's fine... they're just... being dumb." I fake a laugh, but the man frowns.
"I... I have to go okay?" I say struggling to keep calm.

Romance18+ only please. Mature Content, kidnapping, bdsm themes but not actually bdsm because this is no example of a bdsm relationship. If you are interested in a bdsm lifestyle please do research on how to do so safely for all parties involved. Vulgar l...