Chapter Six: Letter

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Azrael's P.O.V:

I watch angrily as Kai takes Fidelina out of the room. I knew she'd make sure that problems arose once she made it here, but I never thought it would be this hard to control myself around her. I sigh and return to my desk.

Kai was right, I lost my composure, and I need to control myself or else the past will surely repeat itself. I take the pen back into my hand and start to gain transmission from the Universe about dates and times. I only have Ten more millenia before I may finish with this awful and gruesome job.

Finding my space, I begin to see thousands upon thousands of names appear and disappear in front of my eyes. I stop again as I see in red bold letters, almost like crimson blood, Fidelina Ciana Khalida, Loyal Light, Deathless. It describes her to perfection now that I refused her fate. Everyone has their time. I reject the notion that hers is now. Too young, too beautiful. Like Violet. Living on borrowed time...

"Azrael!" Azazel calls me out of the higher realm of the universe.

"Yes Azazel?" I ask, a tad annoyed. He looks up to me in fear.

"May I take these? Unikai wanted me to, but I wasn't sure you wanted them taken out."

I nod, waving him out and he scurries out of the room like the annoying infestation he is. Why must I reside with these... lesser beings? I will never understand. Kai is one of my oldest friends, but Azazel on the other hand, sometimes living alone would have proved a far better option. However, Kai insisted that his little brother live here with us should he take on another job like this. Placed in between purgatory and earth, my curse of creating the dead leaves me lonely, so I agreed to two roommates from the inferno instead of none.

I continue with finding my space, looking deep into myself. More names appear as my hand glides across the notebook paper. Many of these are to die so far in the future. I write names, times, places, ways. I see them come to me as if I were there, visions of the future to come. Of course, I do not exist as the only reaper in the vast universe. I merely control a small section of the United States of America. Washington, Oregon, California, and Nevada are within the scope that I control. With so many deaths happening at different or simultaneous times, it ensures that I work ahead by a few years to stay on the job. The faster I complete my time here, the faster I may find release of my predicament.

The thing is, I wouldn't do anything any other way. In fact, I choose to recommit myself to the same choices with Fidelina. Between her and Violet, there's something different about them. I'm not entirely sure what drew me towards these two humans but... I felt... no, feel the need to protect them. No matter what costs, I shall do just that.

"Master Azrael?" I hear Azazel's quivering voice. He knew what I was capable of, however he never bore witness to it himself. I chuckle.

"If some mild choking scared you that much, then you truly are but a child, Azazel. What do you want now?" I ask him.

"I am a demon. Never was I a child." Azazel spews back at me, angrily.

"Azazel, What. Do. You. Want?" I ask rather angrily myself.

"You've received this letter from Lucifer." He whimpers, holding up an envelope.

"Bring it here." I sigh. It's annoying enough that I've already run into so many issues while trying to work, now I must attend to Lucifer bothering me as well.

I know I am being too cruel to one that I once called a friend, however, I wish to keep him far from Fidelina after his tricks with Violet. I sigh, dreading what the letter will inevitably say. I slice it open with my fingernail, a clean cut along the glue, then pull it out. I unfold the perfectly creased letter and start to read.

Dear Azzy,

I know that it's a bit of a short notice, but I thought we could meet up sometime. It'd be nice to relax and have a few drinks, catch up. It's been a little bit since we last hung out, are you avoiding me? My last few letters haven't received a response, and as one of your bestest friends I am starting to worry about you. You always work so hard... You'll work yourself... to death! Get it? To death? Seriously though, I am coming over in a week or so whether you like it or not, we'll see when depending on how I feel. Got my own shit to attend to you know. Ruling Hell and all is a big job. Taking time to travel to your place (seeing as you can NEVER bother to come to mine) is hard on me sometimes.

Fuck you,


The dull language he uses does not match his actual intelligence level. Though seemingly an incompetent idiot like Azazel, Lucifer possesses a mind that twists and deviously turns more than even I know. Unfortunately, he is one of three beings through which I cannot hear their thoughts, Himself, God, and Angels. Though, who would want to hear two of those being's thoughts anyway? As for hearing Lucifer's thoughts, it might've been easier to halt his dangerous plots against anything that might even resemble something from God. Including the one which led to Violet's undoing. MY undoing. The same through which I am heading toward with Fidelina. No, not this time. I refuse.

This reminds me, I really should go check on her once I complete what I can get done today. I'm supposed to protect her, love her. Not choke and kill her. I must learn that she is not Violet. No matter how much she looks like (sometimes even acting like) her. Violet is dead. Nothing will ever change that. However, Fidelina is here and I must be easier on her. Train her before expecting her to just know what I expect of her. Anything otherwise would be unfair to her.

Oh Fidelina. What have I done? Am I not the same as the other monsters that surround you now? My love, I will right this mistake and try to not let it happen again. Please believe me.

(Author's Note: I hope it's all you've waited for. I'm so sorry for the prolonged wait. Thank you for your patience, and love.)

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