Fidelina's P.O.V:
Unikai leaves and I'm left breathing hard on the bed. I curl into a ball. What was the truth? Has my mom really given me up? I think back to the night I was taken when she had called.
She didn't really sound too concerned that night. Maybe it's because she knew about what was happening? Had she wanted me to be taken so she could prolong her life? No, my mom loves me. She wouldn't trade my life for hers. If anything she'd do the opposite.
My head starts to feel that sharp pain again. I groan and grab my skull. Azazel comes in and starts laughing. "He said you were pretty messed up, but not this bad." He says leaning on the door frame.
"Please Sir Azazel... make it stop..." I plead with him, not wanting to feel the pain anymore.
"Weak human." He scoffs. After a minute of watching me, however, he asks "What do I get in return for helping you?" The pain intensifies.
"I-I don't know Sir Azazel, just please...." I beg him again.
"Fine fine, but you owe me a favor. That might be worse than just dealing with the pain." He says smirking.
He stands up from the door frame and snaps his fingers, a small pill appears in one of his hands while a bottle of water appears in the other. He brings them to me, and I take the pill immediately.
"Should kick in, in about an hour. Until then get some rest okay?" He says.
As he said the physical pain left in an hour but... I can't stop thinking about what happened. I can't stop wondering what was the truth, and what were the lies? Was it all just a dream that Unikai controlled?
The endless cycle that I keep mulling over is interrupted by Azazel coming into the room. "How's the meds?" He asks me.
"Working... thank you Sir Azazel." I answer, weirded out by him acting nice.
"Good." He goes over to the desk and kicks his feet up onto it, leaning back in the chair.
"Sir Azazel?" I look down at the bed.
"What, pet?" He asks not caring to look at me.
"Earlier... You and er... Sir Unikai were fighting and... you said that he can mess around with people's minds?" I ask him.
"You know this, he's not hidden his powers in the slightest around you." He sighs, already getting annoyed.
"I know but..." I start getting nervous to ask now. He's been nice and I don't want to ruin it.
"You want to know if whatever he showed you was true or not." He looks back at me. I look up at him, frightened that he guessed it. "You forget I can read minds too." He answers.
"Oh, right. Sorry Sir Azazel..." I answer looking away from him.
"Azrael's working on a spell to stop us from being able to so you can feel more comfortable around us. Also so that you won't get into so much trouble all the time." He says out of the blue.
"Really?! That would be-"
"Amazing. I know. To not hear you would be great so you can plot an escape." Azazel mimics me.
"Where would there be to go?" I ask him. "It's completely white."
"That's because we're in Limbo." Azazel answers me. "The most boring area in hell, but also the safest compared to the place I come from."
"I thought Azrael... sorry Master Azrael was not a demon though?" I ask him.
"He's not. He's technically a Reaper."
"Then why are we-"
"That is not your place to know." he snorts. "Humans. So fucking nosy all the time. You may think that you're smart but I really wish you were more like a dog."
"Sir Azazel?" I ask
"What?" the word is dragged out to demonstrate his annoyance.
"Why do you hate me so much?"
"Shut the fuck up." He goes silent and so do I. After a few minutes he leaves the room. Well that went great. I lay back on the bed, starting to feel bored out of my mind. I can't help but also feel a hint of frustration towards my predicament. I see a book fly through the air, almost hitting me.
"There." Azazel says. "Occupy your mind on that and leave me the fuck alone." He goes back to the desk chair and into his previous position. I picked up the book: "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea."
Seeing as I had nothing better to do I began to read it. Eventually Azazel fell asleep over by the desk. Unikai comes in with a plate of food.
"Who gave you that piece of garbage?" Unikai asks me, referring to the book.
"I like it so far, Sir Unikai."
"If you are to be reading, it should be more of a classic." He says.
"This thing is a dinosaur! How much more classic do you want?" I ask him.
"Truly it isn't that old, though no human books really are. Maybe we could teach you our language and you could really learn some things." Sir Unikai answers me. Sir Azazel wakes up around now.
"Your turn Kai, I even entertained her for you."
"I see." Sir Unikai answers, walking over to the desk chair.
"Be good, Pet." Sir Azazel answers leaving the room.
"Bye Sir Azazel." I answer quietly. Why were they in here anyway?
"You need to be watched after your punishment for your own safety to make sure that my methods were not too much of a damper on your mental state." Sir Unikai answers. "Though I'm glad to see it's already taking a great effect on you." Sir Unikai smiles.
"Sir Azazel told me that soon Master Azrael's going to finish a spell that stops you guys from reading my mind, Is that true?" I ask him.
"It's coming along, yes. He doesn't have too much time to work on it so it's been taking him a great while."
"Why is he doing it though?" I ask. "Isn't he worried I can plot against you guys?"
"Doubtful. Though, even if you had, it would matter little. For we are more powerful than some tiny human girl."
"I'm not that-" He raises an eyebrow at me.
"I could snap you like a twig." He answers, snapping his fingers for effect. I stay quiet, unamused. After I finish eating, I return to the book.

Romance18+ only please. Mature Content, kidnapping, bdsm themes but not actually bdsm because this is no example of a bdsm relationship. If you are interested in a bdsm lifestyle please do research on how to do so safely for all parties involved. Vulgar l...