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"No! No no no! Cody, wake up! Now! I need you to wake up!" I hugged his corpse as I cried and cried and cried.

"I promise Cody. I promise. I will find Mitch. I love you." I pulled myself from him and looked at his dead face. He looked so peaceful. He looked as though his life was complete. I noticed his sparkling earrings, i removed them and replaced mine with them.

I looked in the box once more, a slip of paper caught my eye. On one side the address: 12 Glide rd, LA, California, USA, and a phone number: +1422761239 ( this information is false). On the other side, it read:


To my dearest Maddy.

Either you are snooping around in my room, or I am dead and you have found this in the box. If it is the second, I have told you to find Mitch. Please do this as soon as you can. Find him and his friends. I did something for him when we were younger, before our parents became the monsters they are now. He said he owes me one, so this is that something. He will take good care of you. He doesn't know you're coming, or staying with him so this will be a big surprise for him too. Please do what he says and act the same way you would act around me. The money should last you a while and now you can get all the things we weren't provided with. The phone has his number in it and if you press the home button 4 times, it autodials him ( A/N don't actually know if it does that.). Only use this trick in emergencies. The passport is valid and doesn't need to be refreshed for a while, so you should be sorted there. My wallet has stuff in it that you can keep or throw away, it honestly doesn't matter. There's another letter in the box for Mitch that you have to give to him ASAP. Please don't read it, the information is for Mitch.

Maddy, I love you, and I want you to live life as best you can. I am crying too. I'm writing the letter your reading from your dead brother telling you to make a really huge change to your life. You need to stay strong, stay strong for me. You need to be brave and independent panic not block these people out. I know it will take time to adjust to your new life, I completely understand. You'll cope, you're strong.

I will always be with you. Don't deny it. Never deny it.

Love and best wishes, your big brother, Cody<3

P.S: I know you stole my earrings

P.P.S: I would start packing now so you can leave tonight/early morning


"Okay, I swear. I will do this for you. I will find Mitch, and I will treat him the way I treated you. I will do everything in my capabilities to be strong and brave and not ignore the people I'm about to meet. I love you." I was talking to four walls and a letter written by my dead brother.

The current time is 5:56pm so by 12:00 I want to be out of here. I started packing after I called the airport and booked a ticket to L.A for 12:45am. I shoved clothes toiletries and pillow as into my suitcase. I put all my photographs between the different layers of clothing and pillows. In my hand bag, I put the wallet, money, passport and phone. I still had enough room to fit some books, and I grabbed some of Cody's jerseys because they smelt good, fit well and would remind me of him. I also shoved his cologne in.


My parents have been asleep for just over an hour now, me; I haven't slept at all. I quietly scurried downstairs and threw my stuff into the car. I turned it on and it roared, so I quickly drove off hurriedly before I could get caught. I reached the airport and checked in. I went through customs and then sat down for an hour.

Then as I boarded the plane there was lots of pushing. I took my seat and before I knew it I was off to Los Angeles.

~after the flight~

I got off the plane happily, that man next to me kept farting in his snore some sleep, time to get some new clothes and burn these ones... I hailed a cab to the given address. It's 4:00 am so it's quite dark, apart from the house I would call home. Neon flashing lights, drunk people, and toilet paper everywhere.

"Can you park just up the road please sir?" I asked the cabbie, he nodded and parked at the corner. I paid and looked around.

"Starbucks?" I read to myself quietly. I crossed the road with my suitcase and walked in, I can tell you that everything smelt great.

"Hi, what can I get you today?" A girl with blonde hair asked from across the counter.

"Um. Can I get a small white hot-chocolate and a blueberry crumble muffin please?"

"Yep, that comes to $7.65. Cash or credit?"

"Cash please."I handed her a ten dollar note and she handed me a ticket and my change, but I tipped her what she gave back.


So many deaths... In Lachlan I killed Toby, and in this one Cody.

Also, you're probably wondering how Maddy can fit all that stuff in her suitcase. Remember she wasn't treated the same way as her brother because of gender discrimination. She wasn't allowed to go to school, so Cody had to teach her everything he learned. Her parents got Cody a car, but not her. Cody was allowed to leave the house, Maddy wasn't. Cody got paid, but she didn't. Cody got fed well, Maddy got a slice of bread and a glass of water once each day.

Because of the way she was treated, she didn't have very much.

Also Sara called and said that I can have tis account now, she's in the Northern Territory and she told me that this is what she wanted, for me to publish stories without the fear of bullying, she'll pop in now and again to say hi. If you don't know who Sara is, you really need to pay attention to these descriptions.

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If your bored and need someone to talk to, I'm generally here.

Stay awkward weirdos

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