~Asia P.O.V~
I can't believe I'm partnered with a girl I'm so nervous, well I'm always nervous so what's the problem.
Endia- Sia, Earth to Sia (whistles @ her while waving her hand in her face.)
Sia- oh sorry
Paris,Paradise- Daydreaming again
Endia,sia,Paris,paradise, (starts laughing)
Sia-we so crazy
Para- Nah
Endia- look yall I'm sorry but I have to go meet up with Malik for the project bye guys
Sia-yea I should be looking for Mia so call me later girls.
para,paradise- ok will do love
Paris- look para I have to go but after school I'll be waiting for you in the parking lot me and the girls are going to the mall with Sia. you down right
Paradise- yea, I have to go anyways I need to go study for Mrs. sally Math test
paris- k bye girl ( hugs para and leave).