Prison Break

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Charlotte was shaken awake Peter.

"Is it morning already?" She groggily mumbled.

Looking around, she observed they were the only two awake. Charlotte closed her eyes in annoyance. There was no way she was about to get up earlier than she needed to.

"Sorry, no. Gamora was taken and we're going to save her," Peter said as he grabbed her forearms and pulled her to her feet.

His best friend brushed her hair out of her face, tiredly rubbing at her face to feel more awake.

Carefully, they stepped over every prisoner and slipped out the door.

Charlotte was vaguely aware of the raccoon trailing behind them.

Peter crouched down, Charlotte following suit. They both craned their necks around a corner, finding Gamora cornered by a man with a knife.

"What are you two supposed to do?" Rocket hissed.

Charlie was the type of person to make up a plan as she went, also, the one to form a plan. Peter looked at her, waiting for an excellent suggestion.

Feeling heavy footsteps shake the ground beneath them, the three turned back to Gamora.

A grey colored man with faded red symbols across his body stomped his way into their vision. He was huge, in both height and muscle.

Charlotte reminded herself not to get in a fight with him. He could kill her within seconds.

Gamora grunted as he pushed her against a wall, the knife to her throat.

Peter decided that was the ideal moment to step in. His hands were outstretched as he carefully made his way towards the two.

"You know, if killing Ronan is your sole purpose, I honestly don't think this is the best way to do it."

The grey man glanced at him. "Are you not the man this wench attempted to kill?"

Peter tilted his head from side to side. "To be honest, she's not the first one."

Charlotte dropped her head into her hands when he began explaining some other scars he'd gotten from women trying to kill him.

The man was about to kill Gamora and Peter was speaking of himself, as usual.

Charlotte shuffled to Peter and slapped her hand over his loud mouth.

"Okay well, point is: she betrayed Ronan. He's coming back for her," Charlie explained to the grey man.

She took her hand away from Peter's mouth when his tongue dragged across her palm.

"And when he does.. That's when you.." Peter continued, putting his finger to his throat and sliding it across.

The duo held their arms out with anticipating grins, proud of their plan.

Even Rocket was impressed, though he wouldn't voice his thought.

"Why would I put my finger to his throat?"

"Oh, dear god," Peter moaned.

The man tilted his head slightly. He did not understand their words.

Charlotte pushed her hair behind her ears and took the liberty of trying to explain.

"This is a symbol," She tried, doing the motion. It's a symbol for slicing his throat."

"I would not slice his throat. I would cut his head clean off."

"General expression," Charlie and Peter exasperatedly chorused.

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