Tell Her

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Charlotte was happy to admit that their plan was better than the last. She was almost proud of it.

The main objective was to save Xandar. The infinity gem Ronan possed could wipe out the planet with just a touch to the surface, meaning  the team and the Ravengers had to keep Ronan from landing on the ground.

Rocket and Charlotte would use ships provided by the Ravengers to fight against Ronan's air force.

The Ravengers would first blow a hole in the Dark Astor large enough for Peter and Yondu to run their own ships through.

Gamora would make her way to the console and take down the walls that Ronan hid behind while Peter, Drax and Groot fought their way to those doors. 

"All Ronan needs to do is touch the stone to the ground, then, everything: plants, animals, Nova Corps, gone," Peter interjected, giving an insight to the Ravengers.

"Everything will die," Gamora clarified.

"So, the Dark Astor does not touch the ground," Charlotte said.

"Won't there be hundreds of Sakaaran soldiers inside?" A Ravenger asked.

"I think of Sakaarans as paper people," Drax said.

The Ravenger grinned, punching his shoulder excitedly. Drax lunged, the Ravenger flinched.

Charlotte giggled, beginning to pass out the Orb containers.

"Once Peter has killed Ronan with the Hadron Enforcer, we will retrieve the stone," Charlotte explained.

Gamora and Peter grabbed spheres identical to the containment that the gem was hidden in.

"Use these devices to contain the stone. If you touch it, it will kill you," Charlotte said.

"There is one more thing we need to complete the plan!" Rocket announced. He pointed to one of the Ravengers,"That guy's eye!"

"No! No, we don't," Charlotte called, shaking her head, "He's kidding."

"Get yourselves ready!" Yondu yelled.

Peter slid a containment orb into the outer pocket of Charlie's jacket. He slid his hand from her pocket and to her palm, interlocking their fingers.

Charlie followed as he led her around the corner. In better privacy, Peter took a shaky breath.

"Charlie, I want you to know something," Peter started, "I've spent my entire life stuck in space with you and for the longest time, I looked at you like a sister." 

Charlie grimaced. If his confession was about to turn into the 'I don't like you like that' talk, she would rather not hear it. She started to pull her hands out of his grasp.

"Until the night you beat up the Kree girl," he quickly continued, and she paused, "I realized that I've been living with the girl that I was meant to spend the rest of my life with." 

Charlie felt a warm feeling rush over her. She sheepishly smiled, trying to keep herself from coming off too happy. 

"We're probably going to die today. So, what I'm trying to say, is that I refuse to die without you knowing that I have very strong feelings for you." 

Charlie closed her eyes in satisfaction. All those years she had been waiting for him to say those words. Of course, it took her almost dying and a gem that could kill millions for him to admit it, but at least it happened. 

"Peter Jason Quill.." she mumbled, shaking her head, "You have no idea how long I've been waiting for you to say that." 

Charlie buried her head into his chest, grinning like the Cheshire cat. 

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