Rocket and Charlie's Stupid Idea: Vol 1

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"So," Charlotte loudly interrupted the heated verbal battle between Peter and Gamora, "Me and my adorable furry friend of mine-"

"I am not cute. I am the evil in the shadows of the night, I am feared," Rocket snarled, his ears flattening against his head.

Sarcastically, Charlotte fondly smiled down at him. "Our plan is about 25% likely to work-"

"-75% chance to fail-" Rocket added.

"- However, it is the only plan we have. So we have to use it. There is literally no other choice," Charlotte continued.

Rocket and Charlotte looked at each other, having a stare down. They were silently debating on who would explain.

Charlotte seemed to have a much more threatening look than she thought. Rocket backed down first.

It occurred to Charlotte that their plan sounded much more idiotic out loud than when they were planning it between themselves.

The idea was to steal the mining ships down the block and use them to rid Ronan's goons. Rocket also added Nebula to the mix, creating a diversion in her honor. Gamora would appear to have the orb, in reality, it would be Charlotte who had it.

It definitely wasn't a surprise to anyone when Peter protested.

"It's the only plan we've got. I know what I'm about to do is risky. Honestly, when have I ever not done something risky? Besides, I've got nothing to lose-"

"You have me!" Peter bellowed.

Peter grabbed Charlie's small hands in his. "You've always had me, Charlie girl. You're the only constant thing in my life and I.."

There was a loud crash nearby that stopped him from continuing.

"I'm so sorry, Peter.. But you don't have a choice."

Charlotte ripped her hands out of his and gestured for Gamora to follow her.

Gamora moved forward and tucked the orb into Charlotte's satchel. In return, Charlotte rolled her mittens into a ball and put it in Gamora's jacket. At least it had the shape of the orb.

Charlotte thought she might puke for a couple minutes. In the moments leading to the execution of the plan, Charlotte had felt an unfamiliar feeling of panic.

Peter and Charlie always stirred up trouble on other planets. Though, they dealt with small battles like bar fights, not anything like an actual war. Weapons were usually broken beer bottles, not gems that could destroy planets.

It went without saying that the past few days were sort of an out of body experience for the duo.

"Charlotte, I would just like to say-" Gamora began.

Charlotte shook her head. "No need, my fellow lady. I assure you I will not be dying tonight. I am definitely not thinking about my last words.."

Gamora raised her eyebrow when Charlotte finished her ramble.

"Oh forget it," Charlotte mumbled, pushing back her hair. "Act like you've got the orb."

Charlotte ushered Gamora out to a mining ship. The two shared a hopeful nod.

After Charlie figured out how everything worked, she followed Gamora into the air.

Rocket and Peter immediately sandwiched her.

Pressing a button that served the same abilities as a cellular device, Charlotte bent forward to the speaker.

"Boys, I appreciate the concern, however, you're making it very obvious I have the orb. Back off."

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