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nick what
are you doing?

nothing, bbygirl

you can't shoot zion

why not ? 😕

what do you mean
why ? i don't want
you to do something
stupid over me

he hurt you, ma.
he had it coming
for him since then.

and he disrespected
me so 🤷🏽‍♂️ it ain't just
about you anymore

what if i asked you
to just leave it alone?

you still care about
him don't u?

it has nothing to do
with what i feel. it's
about you to, nick.
he'll snitch or one of
his friends will and i
don't want to see you
getting in trouble over
something that started
over me

you know, you the first
girl that tried to stop me
from fucking up their ex?
but like i said it ain't just
about you anymore. he
tested me. i can see after
myself. i won't get myself
caught up.

please don't do anything
completely stupid nick okay?

can't make no promises, ma

i'll talk to you later.



he's serious about
popping up at the
pm house?

idk why you didn't
just leave it alone when
he texted you? idk why
you couldn't of just stopped
texting me and commenting
on my shit when i told you
to leave me the fuck alone.
he's dead ass serious and i
can't stop him now.

because i didn't want
to lose you that fast??
no other person made me
feel like you made me feel.
you listened and understood
me in ways no one else
ever had. when did you and
him even become a thing?

why does that matter to
you? why are you texting me
when nahmir is literally about
to fucking shoot you


real life..

"oh shit." nick mumbled, looking out the blinds of the window. "he's here. he's here. oh shit, we're about to die. zion, he's here!"

"what's he going to do? shoot us? then he'll go to jail. he's all talk, nick." zion shrugged off all the worry radiating off his friends, trying to keep his own fear at bay.

"that's exactly what he's going to do!" austin exclaimed, sending his friend a dumbfounded look. "he's ybn nahmir have you not listened to his music?"

"i don't even know who he is." zion lied, looking out the blinds himself. "oh shit, they're getting out the car."

a knock was heard on the door, edwin putting a hand over his mouth with his eyes wide. nick pushed zion towards the door, pointing to it. "open it, bitch. we outta here, this yo problem."

austin nodded in agreement, following after the boy along with brandon and edwin. zion stared at his friends with disbelief eyes, not believing they left him alone.

"i ain knocking again, lil boy." nahmirs voice was heard from the other side of the door. "next time, im shootin"

zion closed his eyes tightly, deciding he'd save himself the trouble of getting his door shot in. he opened the door, being met with an intimating glare. "yes?"

nahmir let out a sarcastic laugh, his braces showing. "that just made me want to shoot you more than i did before." he started. "but ezra asked me not to, so this'll have to do."

zions eyebrows furrowed at the mention of the girl, but before he could say anything, nahmirs fist met with zions face. when zion got over the shock of the sudden action, he tried swinging at the boy as well, but failed. nahmir let out another laugh, punching zion again.

zion laid on the floor of his living room, nahmir standing over him with a grin on his face. he rolled over slightly, spitting the blood out of his mouth. "dawg, you weak as fuck. i ain even gotten started and you on the floo—" nahmir cut himself off as he kicked the boy in the gut, the breathe getting knocked out of him. "the first was for the disrespect you sent me, the second was for fun, last one was for ezra. you weak as fuck for letting her slip out your fingers. shawty was obsessed with you, but you used that for your own gain. you lame as shit. don't hit her up no more, you lost the chance to be with her. she's mine now, youngin. ima treat her like she's supposed to be treated."

nahmir sent the boy one more glance before walking out of the house, leaving the door open behind him. zion laid on the floor still, feeling his nose throb as blood fell from it slowly. he heard a series of gun shots ring through the air, the boy sitting up quickly but regretting it when his vision blurred.

"you dead?" nicks voice came through the house. "wow, he fucked you up."

austin and the rest of the boys tried to keep their laughs at bay, but failed. zion got up off of the floor, refusing to meet the eyes of his friends. he went into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.

😔 things this is : ain't it.

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