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"open the fucking door, kuwonu!"

edwin looked through the peephole despite having every clue to who was behind the door. he cringed at the sight of the woman.

"zion, i'm not playing with your ugly ass! edwin, i fucking see you! open the door! i got some things to say to my baby daddy. got me out here looking stupid and shit, i'm beating his ass and his new pretty little girlfriend."

"oh fuck, fuck, what the fuck. why do they always put me in predicaments like this." edwin said to himself before he opened the door. a false smile formed on the boys lips. his eyes couldn't help but dart to the girls stomach. "penny! how are you?"

"get out of my way." penny pushed edwin to the side. she put a hand over her pregnant stomach as she climbed the stairs of the house.

"oh shit, they're going to kill me." edwin put his hands over his face for a second before he quickly hurried after the girl. "zion! brandon! austin! nick! i don't know, somebody!"

"you look fine even with a 9 month belly on you, baby." nick peeked his head out from his bedroom. penny smirked at the boy, blowing him a kiss.

"why can't you be like that, edwin?" penny gave edwin a nasty look.

"i told him this was going to come bite him in the ass." austin crossed his arms as he leaned against the door frame. "they're in the basement."

"wow, austin, so much for brotherhood." edwin threw his hands up.

"but who was the one to open the door?" nick quirked an eyebrow. edwin went to argue with nick as penny made her way back down the stairs with one man on her mind.

"where's the pretty bitch?" penny swung the door to the basement open in a quick matter. "zion! miss pretty bitch, ezra?"

"fuck." zion closed his eyes tightly, pushing ezra off of himself at the sound of penny's voice. his gaze found ezra's hurt eyes for a second before he jumped off the couch. "fuck. fuck. holy shit."

"caleb, who is that?" ezra slid her robe over her nearly bare body. she could still feel zions gentle touch turn so rough within a moment. "zion!"

"zion!" penny yelled once again before she met zions eyes.

zion put his hand over his face for a second. "can everyone just stop yelling."

"no, what the fuck is happening?" ezra grabbed zions shoulder. her eyes kept glancing from penny's stomach to zions guilty eyes. "tell me that isn't—"

"wow, she is a really pretty one." penny smirked, moving closer to the two. "if i wasn't carrying your child, i'd steal your girl."

ezra's mouth dropped at the words that left penny's mouth. carrying your child. a baby. he was going to be a father and from the guilty look on zions face, he had known for a while.

"you're a piece of shit." ezra spared zion one last look before she made her way out of the basement as quick as possible.

"shit." nick put his hand over his forehead. ezra looked at the three ease-dropping boys, all of them seeing the raw emotions she held in her face.

"ezr—" brandon started, going to grab her hand but stopped in his action when she flinched from his touch. "we're so sorry."

"you all knew too?" ezra questioned in disbelief. she let out a sarcastic laugh. "what did i expect, right?"

brandon, edwin, and austin watched as the girl made her way up to zions bedroom. they assumed she was grabbing all her things to leave.

"i'm going to go check on her." brandon spoke up, not sparing either a glance.

"zion really should've wrapped his willy before he got silly if he wasn't ready to face the consequences." nick crossed his arms with a sigh.

"what the fuck is wrong with you?" zion yelled, his voice full of anger and frustration. he went to go up the stairs, wanting to find ezra as soon as possible. he wanted to explain to her everything. he regretted not bringing it up before, keeping it from her as long as he did.

"no, let her go." penny stepped in front of zion, keeping him from going any farther. "you have a child to think about now. not some fan page you think you're in love with. you just like the attention, the admiration. i'm right, aren't i?"

"no." zion snapped, shaking his head. "it's more with her. more than it ever was or would be with you."

"i don't really give a fuck." penny shrugged her shoulders. "but you not going to have me out here looking like a stupid groupie. it's us or her." zion hesitated at the choice. penny let out a scoff. "it's really a competition between your child and that girl? wow, you really are a piece of shit."

"fuck you, penny." zion went to walk around the girl only for her to step in front of him once again.

"you already did, obviously." penny smirked evilly. "how you think the media will react when they see you abandon your child. you wanna test your career?" penny stepped closer to zion in a threatening sense. "you really think ezra's innocent ass is going to want to be with you after all of this? you just broke her heart. she's never going to forgive you for this. tell me i'm right, baby."

"ezra?" brandon whispered, knocking on zions bedroom door.

ezra wiped the tears away that seemed to fall uncontrollably. "please, brandon. i just want to get my shit and get out of here. please just leave me alone."

brandon was lost for words for a moment. "he loves you, you know? she happened before anything serious happened between you two. he didn't know how to tell you without breaking your heart."

"i don't think there was a way around that, brandon." ezra reached behind her neck, taking off the necklace that she had been wearing. she dropped it on zions nightstand with a sigh. "i just wish someone would've told me before this."

"i'm sorry, ezra. truly." brandon mumbled, almost inaudible. ezra grabbed her bag, going to walk past brandon. "please just know he does love you."

ezra stopped in her step, wiping the tears away once again. "perhaps. goodbye, brandon."

authors note,
damn that's crazy

can y'all comment some funny shit so i can laugh thanks

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