• Smile For The Camera •

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{ f i v e }

Kates POV

3 hours later

"Okay, I'm fucking ready!" I yelled into the front lounge, looking over my make up one last time.

I walked in and noticed Ben staring at my arse.

"Ben!" Danny beat me to it I guess "My sister is off fucking limits! Don't stare at her...assets." His yelling awkwardly died down towards the end of his sentence, and I almost laughed.

"And you," he added, pointing at me with a menacing face "cover up those assets or so help me god."

He is really seriously about me not dating anyone in the band, he doesn't want it to go bad and ruin the band. It's not like it'd happen anyway.

Ben laughed and replied smugly with "I'm not touching, just looking. Technically, this doesn't count."

Danny glared at him, and they went into an intense stare competition until ben sighed dramatically, shooting Danny the finger and walking to his bunk sulking.

I realised I hadn't moved for a while just watching the encounter between them...weird. I walked over to the kitchen and looked for the cheerios.

"Guys! Where are my cheerios?" I shouted into the bus. None of the guys can cook, literally not one thing.

I got Danny to cook toast for me once and he burnt half of our kitchen, which he then had to replace with his own money.

Ben came running out of the bunks grinning with his phone in hand and sat on the sofa next to Cameron, he whispered something into Cam's ear and he started grinning too.

"Your both freaking me out, where're my cheerio's?" I deadpanned, putting my hands on my hips automatically.

Ben looked at me sweetly, pointed to the highest cabinet in the kitchen, which even I could hardly reach, and I'm pretty tall.

"It's in there love." He said, his voice a little too sweet to be genuine.

I fiercely glared at him. They were both grinning like idiots, until Ben nudged cameron and they both started doing something on his phone.

I reluctantly turned around to the cabinet and looked up at it, I could probably reach it if I tried hard enough. I felt myself pout, I just want my breakfast.

I reached up and heard Ben giggling. Oh god, what the fuck are they doing?

I reached further and saw my cheerios and I'm fucking hungry. I pulled my hands up one last time, grabbing the box and hearing the faint click of a camera before Ben said "Oh, I'm gunna treasure this forever" fuck.

I turned and glared at him, He was looking at his phone smirking, while Cameron sat next to him, also looking at the phone with a slight blush on his cheeks. That's so cute, first time i've ever seen him blush.

I ran over to Ben tackling him so he dropped his phone, my cheerio's forgotten for the moment. I'll go back for them.

I grabbed the phone and ran out of the bus, stopped and looked at it. It was a picture of me... leaning up to get the cheerios with my arse hanging out of my shorts, I looked slutty and horrible, but kind of hot I guess.

Who I am kidding, I look like complete trash.

As I was pressing delete, Ben jumped on my back and cameron grabbed the phone smirking. I will kill them.

"ready to die?" I asked seriously, before shaking Ben off and glaring at Cam. The smirk fell off his face and he started to run, I chased him and fuck he's fast...

We were now running around a random city I din't even know, I was getting out of breathe and he was slowly slowing down. He ran into an open, public park and ran a few metres before falling face first over a dog.

I curled over laughing, literally, I ended up on the floor. The dog owner was looking at Cam like he just killed his child and ate it, and the dog was licking Cam's face while he was wrapping his arms around himself groaning.

All of it just made me laugh harder, and Cam's face was just priceless. I crawled over to his side, still laughing so much that my sides hurt and got the phone from the floor. I quickly deleted the picture then put the phone in my pocket.

I slid over to Cam and wrapped my arms around him cooing "aw baby" and laughing harder. The guy who owned the dog just looked at us in disgust muttering under his breathe and scowling.

I pulled myself up and looked at the man who owned this dog. He was my height, but he must've been in his late 40's easily. I said how sorry we were and he called he dog and walked away from us. Cameron was still lying on the floor.

I lay back on the floor next to him and looked up at the sky.

The sky was finally beginning to set, even though it was still quite early, but I guess this city was known for it. Purples, blues, oranges and reds all mixed together neatly, yet messily, like they didn't know how to form, yet did it perfectly anyway.

Traces of clouds laced around the colours and left foggy messes forming patterns and scribbles, and outlines of birds still floated through. It was a breath-taking sight, and in many ways so perfect.

"Its so beautiful" I breathed out quietly, yet so Cameron could hear me.

"I know, I always love coming here on tour, it's fucking beautiful." He replied. "hey! where's Ben's phone?" way too ruin the moment, Cam.

"here" I passed it to him. He looked at it and frowned, yet slightly smirked.

"you deleted the p- FUCK" He jumped up and held his hand out for me.

"what?" I almost yelled back, I was still surprised by his outburst.

"we have a set in 15 minutes, i'm so fucking late!" He dragged me up then pulled me to start running.

How the hell can they have a set in 15 minutes? I guess I didn't realise how far we had run or something. We were both still out of breathe but sprinted at fast as our bodies would carry us.

We were about half way there when I noticed Cameron and I still holding hands, I guess it was just a friendly gesture, but I really didn't want to let go. It's pretty cute.

We carried on running until we heard Oli shout into his mic "You've been an amazing audience! We fucking love you!" he yelled and must've walked off stage with the rest of the band.

"fuck" Cameron muttered running faster.

We got into the venue just as Asking was called up, the 4 boys were already on stage when he let my hand go with an apologetic look and grabbed his guitar.

As he walked on the stage the band had already jumped into their first song but he picked up the notes of To The Stage pretty quickly.

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