• Oh, What Great Self Control You Have •

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{ t w e n t y s i x }

Kate's POV

As soon as I heard James and Sam talking I pressed my lips to Cameron's.

"I missed you last night" he mumbled.

"I missed you more, but I was pretty drunk. Can't remember much"

"Really? Danny waited up for you.."

"Well that can't be good, but enough about Danny. I love you"

I pressed my lips back to his, straddling him. He muttered "I love you too" against my lips and I smiled into the kiss.

We made out for a while and I pulled back for breathe, his lips found their way to my neck.

I put my head next to his ear "Sam and James are still here" I whispered.

He nodded "I forgot" he mumbled, but still kept his lips on my neck, sending tingles through my body.

I moaned quietly and he smirked. I angrily looked down at him.

"Right, that's it" I said before pulling the blanket over us.

I was grinding against him lightly and still not breaking our kiss.

I edged his jeans down and pulled them off, if he wants a game, he's got one.

"I now regret it, I'm sorry.." He whispered nervously.

I grinned and smirked a little "too late" I muttered, putting my lips to his collar bone.

He moaned loudly and I heard Sam groan.

"Guyssss! Please!" James yelled.

Then the door to the bunks knocked loudly.

"It's Danny, let me the fuck in. Now." Oh, shit...

I lightly pecked Cameron on the lips and pulled his jeans up, leaving him in my bunk and putting a finger to my lips.

Sam and James helped me down and we all walked to the door.

Sam unlocked it and Danny walked in. I was hugging James.

He looked at me and then at Sam "I need to speak to her, in private. Sorry guys"

Sam and James both walked out and sent me worried glances. I was worried myself knowing Cameron would hear everything he had to say.

I gulped.

"So, I needed to speak to you, while your sober.." Danny started.


"Last night do you remember speaking to me?"

"Um, no...I'm sorry, for whatever I said to you" I said nervously.

"Well, you called me hairy, and said I hated you. But most of all you talked about Cameron, so no need to apologise really" oh god, I can see Cameron smirking already.


"I don't want to seem like a dick, but I'm still pissed off at you. I'm not going to kick you off the tour though, it wouldn't be the same without you.."

"Thanks Danny.." Please don't bring up last night again...

"I don't hate you Kate, and I'm still your brother. I just don't like the idea of you and Cam dating.. Are you really that in love with him?"

I felt my cheeks burn, and took interest in the floor. I nodded and he raised an eyebrow.

"Say it." He said sternly.

"I'm really that in love with Cameron" I said rather loudly. "I really do love him Danny, I didn't even mean to fall for him..."

"What hurts more is that you trusted Sam and James before me" Danny said sadly.

"Well, Sam noticed I was getting depressed and found out on his own. James also found out on his own, but they both understood how I felt, so promised to keep it to themselves" I stated, Danny nodded.


"Cam and I decided when we went to Blackpool that it was best to stay away from eachother, it worked for about two days..."

"That explains a lot" Danny said. I just want this conversation to be over.

"Can you leave me to sleep for a while? I'm really tired" I lied.

"Sure, see you later" Danny said leaving. I ushered Sam and James back in and we locked the door again.

Cam put his head around the curtain of my bunk smirking at me. I blushed red.

Sam and James smiled and went back into Sam's bunk.

"I love you very much too, nice little speech" Cameron said, still smirking.

"Hush you" I whispered climbing back into my bunk.

I really did love Cameron.

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