Chapter 2: The Second Sketch

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  As last period Art class commenced, Miss Jung announced: "We'll be carrying out an Art project over the span of the next three weeks. Together, you and your partners will be creating an Art piece, that would be from a different person's prospective. This project will be graded, and I would like to see a high level of creativity and uniqueness from each pair through your projects."

  "And before you start," Miss Jung continued, eyeing the class, "I'm going to announce your project partners. Yes, your partners have already been decided beforehand, and there will be no exchange of partners."

  Chanyeol chewed his bottom lip, furrowing his brow. He barely knew anyone here, with the exception of Jongin, and hoped that Jongin would be his assigned partner for the project. But as the name 'Kim Jongin' was read out with 'Oh Sehun', Chanyeol got more anxious. Finally, he heard 'Park Chanyeol', and a second later 'Byun Baekhyun', deeming the latter as his project partner.

  Chanyeol whimpered.

  He was paired to work with Byun Baekhyun, who was considered the best Art student in the Art Program, and maybe in the whole school. What if Baekhyun didn't like his ideas? Being an Art genius, what if he was unpleasant and temperamental to work with? Chanyeol would be stuck with him for the next three weeks.

  "That's all for today's class. You may take the last ten minutes of the class to discuss your project with your partners, or you may take your leave."

  Chanyeol's ears pricked up at the news. He turned to look at Baekhyun, wondering if he wanted to start on their Art project. However, the smaller boy beat him to it.

  Baekhyun had already shouldered his backpack and was already stuffing a post-it into Chanyeol's hand.

  "I'm sorry, but I can't stay now, gotta go. But here's my number, so we can discuss this another time."

  For a moment, Chanyeol had expected Baekhyun to burst into song, singing 'Call Me Maybe', but all that Baekhyun did was leave a dumbfounded Chanyeol staring.

  That was how Chanyeol's first conversation with Byun Baekhyun, Art student extraordinaire went.


  "Yes, I heard you Ahra. Chocolate ones right? Got it! See you later, love you too!" Chanyeol beams as he ends the phone call, walking along the street. He then turns into another street and enters the first shop on the right, after noticing the cupcake sign hanging in the shop's window display.

  There was a tinkling sound as Chanyeol entered the shop, inhaling the scent of freshly baked cookies and homemade brownies. He approaches the cashier smiling and asks: "Hey, would you happen to have any chocolate cupcakes? My little sister's craving for some."

  The boy at the cashier smiled back at him. However, he seemed not to be meeting Chanyeol's eyes as he replied: "We do, freshly baked ones too! Perfect for your little sister."

  It was only when the boy moved slowly and carefully, hands seeming to touch everything, that Chanyeol sensed something was wrong. He flinched and recoiled a little when the boy finally looked up to meet his gaze. Or rather, tried to.

  Chanyeol's warm brown irises met the boy's foggy grey ones. And he knew, just knew that the boy couldn't see a feaure of him.

  Sensing his customer's sudden silence, the boy looked back down again, averting Chanyeol's gaze. Chanyeol immediately felt like beating himself up. The guy was practically harmless, yet he had gone and terrified him. Chanyeol tried changing tooic, anything to get the guy smiling again.

  "Umm...can I add a brownie to my order? It smells really nice. And uh, sorry for staring. I've never seen a blind person before, but-"

  "No, it's all right." The boy replied, a small smile appearing on his face again. "I'm quite used to it."

  "But it's so cool! I mean, your irises are all grey!"

  The boy blinked. And then he gave a shy smile.

  "Uh, thanks."

  "And I also think it's cool as to how you can do everything here besides not being able to see anything."

  The boy chuckled. "You're mistaken. I'm not alone. In fact, I was just about to call him to get the cupcakes and brownie for you."


  Turning his head to the door at the back, the boy called out: "Baek! I need you!"

  Chanyeol's eyes widened as he recognized who came bumbling through the kitchen door. The newcomer noticed Chanyeol too, and with his mouth agape, Byun Baekhyun practically shouted: "What are you doing here?"


  It had taken a cup of tea (brewed by the blind cashier) to calm Baekhyun and shut his mouth. Chanyeol was equally shocked. The thought of Byun Baekhyun, Art student extraordinaire selling cupcakes in a nearby pastry shop was a bit too much for Chanyeol to stomach.

  "So, who is he?" The cashier finally spoke up, clinging onto Baekhyun for guudance.

  "You guys haven't introduced yourselves?"

  The boy shook his head.

  "Right well," Baekhyun started, massaging his temples. "Kyungsoo, this is Park Chanyeol, my schoolmate and new project partner. Park Chanyeol, meet Do Kyungsoo, my best friend."

  Chanyeol finally replied: "Is this why you couldn't discuss the Art Project with me after school? Because you had to work here?"

  Do Kyungsoo, the blind cashier, turned to face Baekhyun, the worried and guilty look in his unseeing orbs evident. "Hyung, you know I dislike being a burden to you. You should have just-"

  "No one's being a burden Soo," Baekhyun insisted, grasping his best friend's hand tightly to assure him of the fact. "I could have discussed the Art Project at another time, and I enjoy helping you. You'll never be a burden to anyone Soo, trust me."

  Chanyeol felt horribly guilty again. Ditching his social life to help his disabled best friend must have been a topic that Baekhyun and Kyungsoo had discussed numerous times.

  "Hey hey hey, there's no need to get upset," he tried. "I was too tired anyway. Baekhyun wanted to stay, but I told him to go."

  Baekhyun didn't say anything, but Chanyeol caught the grateful smile that he sent his way.

  "Soo, is he coming today?" Baekhyun asked, trying to change the topic.

  "Yeah, he's coming. I wanna go bake some cookies for him for when he comes."

  Chanyeol's eyebrows knitted together, wondering who was this 'he' that they were speaking about. Miss Jung's words suddenly floated into his mind again: "...creating an Art piece...a different person's perspective..."

  He watched as Baekhyun fed a cupcake to Kyungsoo, and just then, he gasped.

  He watched as Kyungsoo feasted on the cupcake, the spectacle eerily familiar. And then something in his mind clicked.

  Kyungsoo was the boy in Baekhyun's collage.

  Baekhyun's collage, which was featured in the school's prestigious Art corridor.

  Baekhyun's collage, which Chanyeol easily found as his favourite Art piece among Baekhyun's many others.

  Baekhyun's collage, which featured Kyungsoo as his muse.

  And as Chanyeol gazed at Kyungsoo, he wondered how it felt like to eat something he could never see. To feel something he could never see. To love something he could never see.

  "...creating an Art piece...a different person's perspective..."

  "Baekhyun," Chanyeol announced.

  "Let's base our Art Project on Kyungsoo."

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