Chapter 3: The Third Sketch

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  Chanyeol was finishing the touches on his newly-sketched brownie.

  After his previous outburst that had left Kyungsoo frozen in shock, Baekhyun had quirked an eyebrow up before replying smoothly to Chanyeol: "Maybe, but we can discuss this after my shift's finished. Until then, stay out of trouble." He then sashayed away, leaving Chanyeol feeling stupid for trying to act cool by discovering the problem to their solution.

  So now he had a couple more hours to burn before Baekhyun's shift ended. He decided to gaze around the shop, wondering what else he could sketch, and was so focused that he didn't look to see who had entered the shop upon the soft tinkling sounds. He did, however, leap about a foot up in the air when another familiar voice sounded: "Chanyeol, what are you doing here?"

  He spun in his chair to face a curious-looking Kim Jongin.

  "Uhh, buying cupcakes?"

  Jongin looked over his head to peer at his sketchbook, and broke into a smile as he admired Chanyeol's newly-sketched brownie.

  "So Jongin, what are you doing here?"

  "Oh," Jongin said offhandedly, still admiring Chanyeol's brownie sketch ("Seriously," Chanyeol thought. "It's just a brownie!"). "I'm here to visit my boyfriend."

  "Your boyfriend? You mean-"

  Chanyeol was about to say "Baekhyun?" when a new voice joined in their conversation.

  "Jongin, is that you?"

  Chanyeol swore that if Jongin could get anymore radiant, he'd blind everyone in the room.

  He watched as Jongin fled over to the owner of the voice, arms engulfing the tiny boy into a hug.

  He watched as Kyungsoo reached up to Jongin's face to trace the features he had never seen.

  He watched as Jongin leaned down to brush his lips tenderly against Kyungsoo's.

  He watched as Kyungsoo tiptoed and used his fingers to find Jongin's lips, and kiss them back.

  He watched how they seemed to fit perfectly into each others' bodies.

  All in all, he watched them being deeply in love with each other.

  "Cute, aren't they?"

  Chanyeol nearly wet himself as Baekhyun materialized next to him.

  "Umm...when Jongin said that he had a boyfriend, I wasn't aware that he meant Kyungsoo."

  Baekhyun smiled dreamily: "I wonder how it would be like, to have somebody look at you like that."

  "Like what?" Chanyeol asked, feeling confused.

  "Like how Jongin looks at Kyungsoo. Like how Kyungsoo is like his most precious object, an object that he can never part with."

  Chanyeol looked back at Jongin and Kyungsoo. They both acted like it was just them, only them, in the entire room.

  And Chanyeol smiled.

  Despite being blind, Kyungsoo had found his Prince Charming.


  "Yeah, I'm dating Kyungsoo. He's the special guy I was telling you about."

  Kyungoo blushed and buried his face into Jongin's arm, which he had been clinging onto for guidance. Chanyeol noticed that Kyungsoo clung onto Baekhyun and Jongin and used them to guide him around.

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