Rose is a 22 year old college graduate who got her Bachelors in Accounting. As every new college grad she struggles to find herself. She soon gets a job at a local coffee shop and meets Coy. Eventually, Rose finds out that Coy has a lot more secret...
As I walk outside, I feel the breeze of winter hit my face, harsher than what I would have liked. I put on my gloves and head straight for the car; not looking behind me. Today I left as a new person. A new person as in, I received my first job after graduating college. While pulling into the parking garage of my new coffee shop job, I notice not a lot of spaces were filled, which I was thankful for because that means I can park closer to the entrance. I get out of the car and shut my door, I beam straight for the building, missing the snow flurries, and in seconds my nose is filled with the scent of coffee and books.
While taking off my gloves, a tall lean guy heads straight toward me. He's wearing a warm and welcoming smile.
"Good Morning" he said.
"Morning, uh, I am here for my first day I..."
"You?" He looked me up and down. "Strange. But okay. Follow me."
He bolted to the back of the bar table which is full of coffee and syrups. My short legs find it hard to keep up with him. "Now this is going to be the clock in, this is going to be where you hang your jackets, and this is the break room" (he gestures with his hand to the dark lighted room). "Here is your apron" he says quickly.
He gives me a deep navy-blue apron that has most definitely been used multiple times. He continues to walk out on the floor, serving guests. Short and simple. I drop off my jacket at the rack and put my apron on. During my job interview, I must not have noticed all of the details to this coffee shop. The room was dark with red bulbs for lighting and couches were lined up around the room. There was a giant window with a charcoal lace curtain over it and a pool table was centered on the other side of the room along with some high bar stool tables.
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Off to the side was a room that lead to a magical place. The room was dark with fairy lights on the ceiling and tree branches were placed around the walls, making it look like I was in The midsummer's night dream play. This room was absolutely "room goals". "You need to clock in and get to work". I jump as the tall man's deep voice startles me.
"Yes, sorry." I never moved so fast in my life. I clock in and begin to start at the cash register, hitting buttons I have no idea how to use. "Having problems?" I look in front of me and I must have been so caught up that I hadn't noticed the tall guy watching me, making a fool of myself. "Yeah, a little, I'm not quite sure how to work this..." I look around the room trying not to make eye contact. "I am going to start training you here in a minute. You clock in?" He starts making a coffee for a customer with a grin on his face. "Yes, 7 AM on the dot." I push a nervous smile. "Perfect" he says, while walking away and delivering the drink.
He comes back and stands right beside me, showing me everything about the cash register. When customers come, he talks me through each step. I start to get the hang of it.
"Can you hurry up I have a meeting to go to" a lady says, wearing big earrings and carrying a Chanel bag. She is clearly rich and doesn't have time for anyone's bullshit this morning.