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Waking up to the sound of an alarm clock has to be the most annoying thing in the entire world. I slam the stupid alarm off and stare at my ceiling, contemplating whether or not to stay in bed all day. 

"Rose, are you up?" My roommate Victoria says through the other side of my bedroom door.

Well, I guess that answers that question.

"Yeah, what's up?" 

"So my boyfriend is coming over to stay the night and I was wondering if you could help me clean the apartment today?"

"Sure, that's fine."

First of all, the apartment wasn't even a mess. Second, her boyfriend is a pig. I get myself out of bed and walk to the bathroom to put my contacts in and brush my hair and teeth. Looking in the mirror, I can see I have a zit coming in on my cheek. What else could go wrong? In hopes to get rid of this horrible bump, I decided to put on a facemask. Once I'm done with that I head to my room to make the bed and clean up. 

*Ding Ding Ding*

I look over to see my phone going off. It's Dylan, from college. I've had a crush on him since the moment we met. The only problem is that he's a total player and thinks he's the smartest human being in the entire world, which is completely false. But for some reason...his physique always gets me.

"Hey, Rose. How are you?", he texts.

"Hi. I'm good. U?", I replied.

"Im goood im goood. Miss school though. I was thinking we should get coffee sometime and catch up. You still live at the same place?"


"Yup still do."
 I roll my eyes and lay on my nicely made bed. Here we go again with this boy.

"Alright well lets meet up. Pick you up at 6???"

"ya. that works."  
I quietly sigh, thinking to myself, "what are you getting into, now?"

"See you then"

I don't respond to his last text message.  I stay on my bed until my facemask is done, then head back to the bathroom to rinse it off. I decide to start cleaning so I can have more time to get ready later.

I start with the tub and work my way out, cleaning the mirrors and sink. Basically cleaning everything. For being so young I feel like I have a nice apartment, so I like to keep it tidy. When I'm done with that, I head to the kitchen to wipe off the counters and clean out the fridge. 

"I'm going to throw this milk away it's expired" I call out to my roommates.

"OK! That's fine", I hear Victoria say from her bedroom.

Once that's done, I take the trash out. I think that concludes my part in the roommate cleanup. 
I'm sweating and stinky from all of that work, so I hop in the shower. Taking my good ole time, I shave my legs. I'm so blessed to not have that much hair on my legs because leg hair is truly a struggle. 

"You almost done?" Victoria says. 
I jump, almost cutting myself on my ankle with the razor.
"I have to get ready. Jacob's going to be here in an hour,"

"Okay, I'll be out in a minute." I rush to rinse off and then get out of the shower and walk to my room with the towel wrapped around me. Sitting at my vanity, I start to think about hanging out with Dylan and if that really was a good idea. I pick up my phone to text my best friend, Terra; we've both been busy after graduation.

"Hey Girl. SO do not kill me but Dylan texted mee..."

"What do you mean? he really has the nerve to text you? oh hell no. click.delete. GOODBYE. Do not respond to him.", she replies

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