Chapter 25: Silent Night (Part 2/2)

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"Here we are." Kite said, opening the door, arriving at his house. "Oh my gosh! It's so pretty--" Star said excitedly, but she quickly closed her eyes as she was standing up.

"Oh dear," Night kneeled down to look at Star. "She's still tired." She took Star's hand and began walking. "I'm going to take her so she can go get some rest." She looked at Kite. "Do you have a guest room?"

"Yes, it's down the hall on your right." Kite gave her directions.

After she put Star to bed, Night went back to the living room to go sit down on the couch next to Kite. "Aren't you going to get some sleep, Night?"

"Nope. Right now, I can't sleep." Said Night. "Not after what happened earlier." She said. "What about you? Aren't you tired?" She looked at Kite.

"No, the same goes for me." Kite said. "Earlier, I didn't go to sleep since I had a lot on my mind so that's why I took a walk outside in the city by myself...that's also where I noticed Star."

"Oh," Night said. "What was on your mind?"

Kite's eyes widened. "Um..." He blushed. He didn't want to tell Night that he had been thinking about her. "It's nothing important..." He then changed the subject. "By the way, you didn't tell me you had a little sister."

"Oh, well I was going to tell you about Star." Night scratched the back of her head. "You know, I think Star and Hart would both be good friends with each other."

"That would be perfect." Kite said. "Hart does get lonely, I can tell even though he doesn't tell me. He had been mostly sick a lot and that would prevent him from being able to go to the outside world...which means he wouldn't be able to go to school with normal kids. Instead, he was home schooled and I had to stay at home to take care of him. He's never had a friend before." Kite looked down. "He's only had me and my father, and Orbital to count on."

He then stood up. "Do you want some tea?"

"Sure. Tea sounds nice."

In some minutes, Kite came back holding a silver tray with a teapot, a small container of sugar, and with two porcelain tea cups. He set all of the things down on the table. He poured the tea into both of the tea cups. "Would you like sugar in your tea?"

"Yes, please."

Kite got a spoonful of sugar and put it into one of the tea cups. "Here you go, Night."

Night took the tea cup. "Thank you."

"And be careful, the tea is kinda hot." Kite said, before taking a sip of his tea.

"You know, Kite." Night said. "I can relate to what you said. I had to do everything for Star...because I was the only family she had left... since me and her became orphans after our parents passed away in a accident."

"I know what you mean." Kite looked down at the reflection of himself in his tea. "Shortly after my mother gave birth to Hart, she passed away due to a illness she had. After that, it was just me, Orbital, and my father to take care of Hart when he was still a baby."

It then got quiet between Night and Kite, with the both of them not knowing what to say. It was an awkward silence.

Night and Kite then both decided to watch TV together while the both of them were still remaining silent. Night looked up at Kite while he had his eyes glued to the TV screen. Her eyes twinkled, just looking deep into his eyes. She couldn't explain it, she was caught in a trance.
She then quickly shook her head and stopped staring at Kite before he would take notice of her strange actions. When she was around him, it made her feel like she was safe and protected by his presence. She really admired that he was a strong dependable guy.

Night wanted to rest her eyes for a bit and she did. When her eyes were closed, Kite looked at her adorable-resting face. He then pulled Night closer to him so that she could lay her head against his arm. She opened her eyes, as she felt him embracing her. It made her feel warm in the inside as it gave her butterflies.

She was freaking out in her head. Oh my gosh! What do I do!? What's happening!? Does Kite like me? She blushed. Kite then caressed Night's long dark blue hair. She then fell asleep on the couch, feeling that Kite was behind her, wrapping his arms around her.


Kite and Night were both woken up to the sound of Hart screaming. "Who are you!?" Hart had woken up to see a  small girl in his room. "And what are you doing in my room!?"

Star was the girl that was in Hart's room. She kissed Hart on his cheek and giggled.

"Oh no." Hart said, sticking his tongue out in disgust. "I'm going to get cooties!"

Star then giggled again and ran out of his room.

"HEY!" Hart ran after her into the living room, and saw Night and Kite sitting down on the couch. "Huh? Kite, what's going on? Why is Night here?" He then pointed to Star. "And why is this girl here too?"

"Well you see, something happened so Night doesn't have anywhere else to stay. So...she'll be living with us for now." Kite answered.

"Oh..." Hart said. "But that still doesn't explain this girl!" He pointed back to Star. "That was in my room and kissed me on my cheek!" He said.

Night giggled, "Oh looks like they're already getting along just fine." She said. She pointed to Star. "This is my little sister, Star."

"Star?" Hart said.

Night put Star in front of Hart. And Kite put Hart more closer to Star. "Star, this is my little brother Hart."

"Hart?" Star said, looking back at Hart in awe. "Your name sounds pretty, Hart." She smiled.

"Uh..." Hart blushed. "Thank you." He was shy. "I like your name too, Star." He looked down on the floor. "Um... do you want to... be friends with me?"

"Yes!" Star ran to Hart and hugged him tightly. "I would love to be friends with you, Hart!"

"Aww..." Night whispered to Kite. "They're so cute."

"Night." Kite was behind Night and he whispered into her ear, making her blush. "I need to speak to you...just you and me."

Night and Kite then both left Star and Hart to play together in the living room as they went in the empty hall to go talk.

"What is it that you want to talk about?" Night was nervous.

"I--" Kite said, trying to find the right words. "I just want to let you know that I care about you, even though... " He went more closer to Night, making her blush. "it's hard for me to show my emotions." He hugged Night and kissed the top of her head. "I don't ever want you to forget that."

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