Chapter 12--Fear

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Kenny managed to get Butters to come with him to the cafeteria as he slowly sat her down. He pet her hair for a moment as he opened up her school bag seeing the box. He knelt down slowly as he took the bow lightly in his hands then moved her bangs from her face. "There we go Buttercup...pretty as ever," he said softly trying to reassure the smaller blonde in front of him. Butters slowly looked up as she gave a sad smile before it slowly fell away again. Kenny stood as he started to look around, "I will go get us something to share..wait here for me kitten," he said kissing the top of her head then hurried off for food.

"Dude...what's wrong with Butters? Why is she looking like she is about to go on a morning run?" Stan asked as he grabbed up his tray filling it up with food.

"Seems that the councilor and vice principal North said that she wasn't dressed right.." Kenny answered gripping the tray tightly.

"Not dressed right? Butters has moments where they want to be different. Why is it so bad now?"

"Principal Gavmore is out for surgery and he is the one that is accepting...I new that bitch was going to do something.." Kenny growled loudly making Stan look over at the dark blond male next to him. His eyes shifted then without thinking he dropped down to his knees as Kenny's wings flew open in his anger. Stan slowly stood back up as he pushed the leathery wing to the side. Kenny slowly let the wings fold onto his back as he looked at Stan giving an unsure grin, "Sorry?"

"It's alright," Stan found himself laughing as he paid for his meal, "I know the signs of when to duck or move. Kyle's does the same thing when he gets really mad and sometimes when he is excited. Although...his start fluttering really fast when he is super happy." Stan's face seemed to change to a smile as he seemed to start to daydream about his boyfriend making Kenny snap his fingers at him to wake him up. Stan jolted some coming back down to earth as he walked over to where Butters was sitting and Kyle was already there.

"...I am still sorry that he did that to you. He had no right to call you by something you don't want to be called by," Kyle finished telling Butters as he wrapped his arms around the smaller male slowly. His mint green eyes slowly went up as he saw people coming close as he wrapped his wings around Butters in a protective manor until he saw who it was. He opened them slowly to reveal Butters rubbing her eyes. Kyle rose slowly to move on the other side with Stan so Kenny was sitting right nest to Butters.

"I know you don't want to I got a big lunch for both of us to share sweetie," Kenny told Butters softly as he kissed at the top of her head, "Eat what you feel like kitten." Butters nodded as she slowly started to pick at the food slowly nibbling on a few bites as the others sat in silence the rest of lunch.

By the end of the day Butters decided that she was going to wear her outfit home after some encouragements from Kenny. She smiled some looking herself over in the mirror for a moment as she walked out of the locker room to Kenny who was waiting for her. He slowly took Butters hand in his own as they walked of school together. They met up with Stan and Kyle as they went to make their way away from the school a loud horn echoed out. They all stopped turning their heads towards the sound as car doors followed the sound. Butters felt her heart drop as her binder fell to the ground. "Butters what the hell is this?!" the woman screamed at him making Butters begin to cower.

"We got a phone call today saying that you were wearing something inappropriate and we find you like this?!?" the male then shouted as he glared daggers at the smaller boy. Kyle moved fast pulling Butters to him as he opened his wings to hid the boy behind him. Kenny shifted his weight as he looked at the couple. "Mr and Mrs. Scotch this really isn't the place.." Stan said trying to calm the situation only to have to duck at Kenny's wings opening and pushing him back.

"Butters! Get in the car now young man!" Mr. Scotch yelled as he glared over at the red headed boy hiding Butters. Butters only shook as she shut her eyes tightly hoping that this was all in her head. She could hear more yelling and shouting as she felt her mind go into a haze as her body slowly stopped shaking. She slowly moved out from around Kyle walking over to her parents as she looked back with dull eyes at the others. "I-It's ok fellas..." she told them giving a small smile as they all looked worried at Butters.

Time seemed to come to a stand still as the boys felt as if their bodies were frozen in place. They wanted to move but something pushed them not to as they watched helpless. Mrs. Scotch pushed Butters into the car when Mr. Scotch got in as they drove off fast. Kenny felt his whole body shaking as he took off down the sidewalk as fast as he could with Stan and Kyle right behind him."Kenny!!" Stan shouted picking up his pace.

"I have to save Butters!!!" Kenny shouted back as he opened his wings forcing himself upwards to get faster. This isn't good...that look....not this time...

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