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Hey guys... God bless my soul. So I think I'm going to only update this book at night. Because I'm more funny at night. Anyway, gather around me children as I eat ice and tell you a story.

So I was in second period (math). And just to go off topic, I'm a math wiz but like a skate couldn't do math last year so like,the fuck. Anyway, this bitch started talking behind me. So I let this go on for 2 minutes until I te him to shut up. He has the NERVE to tell me "I ain't talkin'." Now, that to you may seem like its nothing, but for me it was a big deal. Normally with normal people it they just say "whatever" and leave it their. But I'm not normal so I turned around and said "guess your IQ level dropped so low you can't recognize your own voice." Shoots fucking fired. The class was laughing so hard. He didn't even have a comeback but asked "what's a IQ?" I chuckled at this and left him unanswered. Like how when someone leaves you on read.

There's a little story for you all. I'm trying to make up for the late updates so enjoy. Byeee.

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