Chapter 3

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*Dani's POV*

I pulled into the familiar parking lot of the grocery store we always went too.

"So this is the town?" Dad asked.

"Yeah. This is all of it. Once we get some food I'll start showing you where I grew up and maybe going to a friend of mine's grave." I replied.

"Dalton?" Sam asked.

"Dalton." I stated.

I got out of my truck and waited for Sam and Dad to follow before I locked it. I reached out for Sam's hand and interlaced our fingers before we heading for the store.

"Is that your truck Danielle?" I heard a guy ask behind me.

I stopped and turned around and saw a guy I haven't seen in years.

"Wesley Patrick. It's good to see you and yeah it is." I replied.

"Who's that babe?" Sam thought to me.

"Sam, Dad, this is a friend from high school. Wesley this is my wife and father-in-law." I introduced.

"Wife huh? How long have you been married?" Wesley asked.

"It'll be 2 years in July." I replied.

"Well congrats. I can tell you're both happy." Wesley said.

"We are. I don't want to ask but do you know where Dalton Anderson is buried? I want to pay my respects." I told Wesley.

"Yeah I do. Give me your phone and I'll give you directions." He replied.

I pulled my phone out of my back pocket, unlocked it and handed it to him. After a few minutes he handed it back.

"There ya go. Well I guess I'm gonna head home. See ya Danielle and it was nice meeting you both." Wesley said to us before heading to his own truck.

"It was nice meeting you too." Sam and Dad called after him.

"That went better then I thought it would. Introducing you as my wife." I thought to Sam.

"Yeah it did." She thought back and we walked into the store.

The familiarity of it was comforting. Dad grabbed a cart and waited.

"Oh right. Follow me." I laughed.

I walked into the main part of the store.

"Do we want to get Coke or Dr. Pepper?" I asked.

"Dr. Pepper." Dad replied. I nodded and headed towards the nearly last aisle and grabbed a 12-pack.

"We should get some chips for the drive to Scranton." Sam said noticing the chips and other snacks behind us.

"Sounds good. Make sure you grab at least 3 bags of those Synder's Barbecue chips. They are the only ones I'll eat." I replied.

I looked at the water trying to decide if I wanted to get a few bottles when I heard the most recognizable laugh. I stiffened and Sam looked over at me.

"What is it?" She thought to me.

"My father. I heard his laugh." I thought back.

"Do you want to go see him?" She thought.

"Sure. Might as well." I thought back as I walked past her and Dad.

I walked out and looked back towards the other aisles.

I didn't see him but that just meant he could have walked down an aisle. I retraced my steps while looking down the other isles. I saw my younger brother first and my dad was bent down looking at something. My brother went to nudge my father but I shook my head and put a finger to my lips.

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