I'll Love You Even If I Get Destroyed

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( a chapter dedicated to my sister , Zaria , kinda like an au i guess)

Gwi was venturing out as usual looking for any humans who were out at this time, it wasn't hard to find them since they mostly had the same hair colour, but this time he noticed something strange, someone was wearing dark red clothing as they walked down the path of the village, he followed the person with such ease that nobody would notice him but she stopped "Hello there" she spoke clearly knowing where he was, he walked into view before he saw her bright green eyes "What are you? no human would even sense me" Gwi spoke and the girl smiled "That's because I am not human" she spoke "what do you mean?" he questioned , interest sparking in his eyes "I am what they call a Dark Kitsune" she said "Then.. How? how are you here?!" he spoke with surprise in his voice , the tails and ears appeared "I am inhabiting the body of a kitsune..my job is to create chaos.." she spoke as one of her eyes turned red and her nails grew into claws "If you aren't careful I may just possess you" she added glaring at him "What are you doing here." he spoke crossing his arms "Exploring.. I hope to one day meet someone who can stop my destruction and end me,a group of oni i guess" she replied with sorrow in her eyes "How about this, if you stay by my side for a few years.. I'll find an Oni to end you once and for all" he spoke "That isn't a bad idea.. but I don't want you getting attached to me.. it'll hurt you when I leave" she spoke "the chances of that happening are incredibly low so it's fine, and it wouldn't hurt to have a friend at least" he spoke a small smile coming to his face "You sure are strange" she replied as the tails vanished and her form changed back to its normal state.

Years Later

She followed him with fast steps, "Hurry up, I'm hungry so we are heading to that village" he spoke "oh hush it , I ain't as fast as you" she growled, her brown hair flowing behind her as she trailed after him "well then that leaves me no choice" -"what do you me- HEY PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW" he spoke but she interrupted, He picked her up as she began to speak , he sped up his pace of walks , slightly smiling at her complaints "I think I may just be falling for this girl.. but.. she wants to die" he thought to himself , his smile vanished and at the village he attacked everyone, it made him forget the sorrow of knowing that the woman he fell for wanted to die, Zaria killed multiple people, feeding off the the chaos , she burned down the village as they headed back to the cave they lived in , but as they got back he sensed the scariest presence.. a oni.. he saw them.. the group "HOW DID YOU FIND US" He growled "Hey.. Gwi.. don't fight them.. this is what I wanted.." she smiled at him walking towards the group of oni, as he watched her walk he felt a pain in his chest "she's gonna be gone.. I'll never see her again... all our memories together.."

"Gwi look! It's one of those tree's I told you about!"

"Watch the village burn"

"I hope to one day meet someone who can stop my destruction and end me,a group of oni i guess" 

"it'll hurt you when I leave" 


"hahahahahaha, you have the worst sense of humor Gwi!"

"end me."


"I have fallen in love with her."


He pulled her back gripping her hand

"you told me it will hurt me when you leave

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"you told me it will hurt me when you leave.. but watching you leave is even more painful" he growled pulling her behind him "Leave this to me" he spoke in a deadly tone of voice "NO GWI DON'T! YOU'LL DIE! I'M UNFORTUNATE! I AM MISFORTUNE ! I END UP DESTROYING WHAT I LOVE! AND SOON I'LL DESTROY YOU! WHEN YOU CHOSE TO BECOME MY FRIEND... I was so happy.. and I knew I should leave.. because I'd bring you bad luck.. but I couldn't.. because you made me happy.. you made me laugh.. smile.. I don't want you to die for me.." she sobbed "THEN FIGHT WITH ME!" he spoke as the group of oni were overwhelming him, she clutched her chest tightly before rushing into battle

"I love him.. as.. more than friends.."

She thought to herself as she fought the oni with him, as their numbers decreased quickly, when they finally were all gone.. he hugged her

"I'm sorry but I can't keep my promise , I have fallen in love with you

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"I'm sorry but I can't keep my promise , I have fallen in love with you.. and much like your problem.. the more I love you the more I crave your blood.. Why are both at risk here..? we both suffer for each other.. we both are gonna be hurt.. but we both still love.. each other.."

Gwi spoke "I wanted to leave so badly so that you would be safe.. but whenever I did try.. I couldn't bring myself to hurt you by leaving..I knew you'd suffer thinking you did something wrong.. I am so happy by your side.. but I make you suffer so much and I might destroy you without wanting to..." she sobbed "that's okay.. because even if you destroy me..I'll still love you.. you are worth all the pain and suffering.. all the urges I must block.. you are worth it.. I'll love you even if I get destroyed.. and I'll restrain you if i have to.. because.. i love you.. that much.." Gwi replied 

"Gwi.." Zaria whispered as he gently wiped away the tears which built up in her eyes

"I love you Zaria.."

"I love you too Gwi.."

I'll Make You Love Me (Scholar Who Walks The Night Gwi x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now