The Tales

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"I had been told tales of vampires, that they are monstrous creatures who drain our lives to sustain their own forms, that they can't "love"  and that they'd merely deceive me before killing me.. but only the villagers told me that.. my father dropped the topic whenever I tried to talk about it.. until.. that night.. when he gave me up to protect his own life.."

"Who is that?!" I questioned standing behind my father

"PLEASE SPARE ME , YOU CAN TAKE MY DAUGHTER, JUST SPARE ME PLEASE!" my father begged holding me in front of him, I struggled to escape his grasp

"a father who sacrifices his daughter for his own life gets no mercy" the dark haired male whispered staring at me, our eyes met and I felt my heart beat speed up suddenly however it slowed down.

"TAKE MY DAUGHTER AND SPARE OUR VILLAGE" he shouted moving aside, I held my hands together hoping he couldn't hear my racing heart , I may be a child but I can sense when I'm in danger, and right now I'M IN DEEP DEEP DANGEROUS WATERS "It's nice to meet you Gwi, I have heard tales of you" I spoke staring down knowing of consequences if i angered him, he could slaughter my entire village "How so? people shouldn't know of me" he spoke with interest in his tone "It's all in the books I read" I replied starting to get worried.. he can't sense lies can he..? I can't tell him the villagers told me! He would kill them! "What books" he asked getting closer and fear began to rise however I hid it well.

(she is a child right now)

I'll Make You Love Me (Scholar Who Walks The Night Gwi x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now