You Foolish Child

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As you began to wake up you felt someone patting your head.. like a fragile glass bottle. as if at even the softest touch would shatter you , they had their arms wrapped around you and you were leaned upon their chest except they were sitting down, their chin pressed against your head softly but you felt the tears wetting your hair "You foolish foolish girl.. worrying me like this isn't okay.." he sobbed.. but you were barely conscious and fell back to unconsciousness shortly after.

"You foolish child, I was so worried.. you humans die so easily.." he sobbed holding her close..

Flashback -

He saw it happen so fast.. the arrow pierce her , he was so scared that it pierced her heart.. he was so scared that he went into blind rage.. hearing her cry of pain brought him back.

End Of Flashback

Gwi's P.O.V

I held her close.. I had bit into my wrist and used what little blood I could get from the wound which healed quickly to heal her wound.. this child.. had terrified me beyond belief.. but I still kept her alive... "You foolish foolish girl.. worrying me like this isn't okay.." I sobbed holding her close , I kept petting her head, like she was a rose made of glass that if i even properly touched I'd break her so quickly.. I didn't deserve this girl.. she deserved better and yet.. I couldn't bare to part with her.. it's not that I didn't want her to do tasks... but I was scared that should she do tasks she might break.. she has always had a face which looks as though she is about to break down into tears..  Eventually my want for her to do tasks faded away.. the only task I need her to do and want her to do is to stay by my side.

Your P.O.V

I groggily opened my eyes.. properly waking up.. to find myself seated upon the little stone throne, I saw Gwi pacing back and forth "Gwi..?" I questioned and he stopped pacing, I move my arm and automatically went ow remembering the events of last night but I was surprised when I found that there was no wound "Y/N, do you love me?" Gwi spoke staring at me and my heart began racing "I.. I... I don't.." I responded , "Are you saying you don't love me? but I am perfect aren't I? women love a man with looks, power and money don't they? so why don't you love me?" he responded walking closer to me "Uh.. I.. I... I just don't!" I yelled "That's okay, I'll make you love me then~" he replied leaning in, my eyes went wide as our lips met , I tried to shove him back but to no avail, when he finally pulled back I slapped him across the face, "YOU JUST STOLE MY FIRST KISS YOU PERVERT!" I yelled storming out, a blush covering my face but tears in my eyes.

"How could he?!"


"I wanted my first kiss to be with someone I loved!"

"But it was, you love him don't you?"

"I.. I.. I do! but I didn't want it to be like that!"

"That's how Gwi works, take it or leave it" 

The voices in your head fought until.. Myung Hee's voice spoke

"Y/N.. Thank you.. for saving Kim Sung Yeol.. He is finding happiness with Yang Sun.. so I can finally move on.. thank you.."


"Goodbye... Y/N"

And all the voices stopped "Aish.. she's finally able to move on huh.. I wonder who she'll be in her next life.. hopefully something good" I whispered staring at the sky, I breathed a breath that I felt like I was holding all this time since Myung Hee's death "Goodbye, Myung Hee".

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2018 ⏰

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