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David shifted his gaze, fiddling with something unseen in his hands. He'd planned this moment for weeks, rehearsing in the mirror, but now that the time had come for the real thing he dreaded it. David took a deep breath, in and out. Gwen was busy with one of the campers, a new arrival. When she finished, David took the opportunity. He gently took hold of her arm, just to get her to turn around.
"Gwen, there's something I wanted to ask you..." David's cheeks were tinted pink.
Gwen, who may have watched too many cheesy romances in her spare time, knew exactly where this was going. She tried to hold down her excitement
David bit his lower lip as his gaze drifted downward bashfully. He slowly knelt, bringing one leg back, planting his knee on the ground and keeping the other foot at it's starting position. He took the object in his hand and held it up to Gwen. Looking upward, he made eye contact with her. "I love you, Gwen. I love you so much that I want to be a part of your life forever. Please, Gwen. Will you marry me?" he opened the small box in his hand, showing her the engagement ring he'd saved up for for so long.
She was about to respond when chaos erupted. Nobody remembers anything about it except that David fell on top of his arm in the panic.

"Well," Gwen began. "I have good news and bad news. The bad news is the doctors say you'll have your right arm in a cast for a month."
"And the good news?"
Gwen held up her hand, which was adorned with the brand new engagement ring. "Guess."
Even though he was in pain, David thought he could never get happier. He smiled, at the verge of tears.
"I guess this means everybody is happy," Max said.
"We've never been happier," Gwen told him. "You're grounded until David gets out of the cast."

ribbons and black magic (camp camp fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now