3- a not date

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"Neil, do you think that girl looked familiar?"
"What girl?"
"The one from the limo."
"Oh. Yeah, she did seem familiar, but that's just the way the world works, Max. There are people that look similar. What are we gonna do about it?"
"Come on, Max, let it go. Let's get back to our date."
"It's not a date."
"Then why are we going to kiss"
"We're not."
"Aw, come on. Please?"
"Fine. You win"
"See, didn't that feel good?"
"No. Your breath tastes like puberty."
"Yours tastes like bitchiness."
"... Hey, why don't we head back home."
"I guess we should. David's texted me five times in the past minute. See you."
"See you."


Normally, Max wouldn't have agreed to following the rules, but tonight he had things on his mind, and he couldn't pay any attention to anything else. He kept searching to the back of his mind, trying to find who he'd seen that looked like Angelica. Maybe someone important? Max never paid attention to anybody important. Shit, was it four years ago or five? It was before David adopted him... It was somebody who tried to kill him. Yes, but which one? Just as he was arriving at his house, Max noticed a rather tall, slim shadow from the corner of his eye. He spun around, then it was gone.
Max spun around, ready to take out his utility knife.
"Max, I can't believe it, you're home on time for once!" David jumped out from behind him. "Are you finally going to stop being a bad kid and give into your inner Happy Camper?"
"You wish. I'm just fucking tired."
Max stepped into his room and lay down on his bed. He didn't even bother to take his clothes off before he fell asleep.

ribbons and black magic (camp camp fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now